Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Sirius Transmission and the Multi-Dimensional Light Body Upgrade : Star Seed Transmissions 2015 - Celia Fenn

February has been a most intense month in terms of Energy shifts and transformations. his seems to be a new pattern, as February 2014 was also intense and powerful.  The year the energy has intensified through this month, culminating on the 22nd of February 2015.  This has not been a Solar phenomenon alone. although the Sun has been in the process of activating a new Light Body structure as well, but the primary source of these transmissions is the Star system of Sirius.
Sirius has been a part of the creation and evolution of Earth for many star cycles.  There is a "partnership" between the Sirian Council of Light and The Earth Councils that has been renewed to allow the Sirian Masters and Teachers to continue to provide their expertise and guidance on matters of Light Body evolution and design.  The Sirian Master Teachers, acting through the Atlantean and Egyptian Sacred Schools, imparted to Earth an understanding of the nature of the creation techniques used by the Elohim and and the Archangels, as well as the design and function of the Human Angelic Light Body and its relationship to Time and Space within different Dimensional Frameworks.

In this most recent partnership, the Sirian Masters have assisted in transmitting into the New Earth Diamond Grids the Light Codes for the first Major upgrade of the Diamond Light Body. This upgrade is intended to fine tune the Light Body for its new function as a Multi-Dimensional Vehicle of Light.  Intense waves of Light are being transmitted from Sirius that carry the wave patterns and frequencies of the new Light Body calibrations.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Beloved masters, there is a Light Path that will lead you out of the density into the LIGHTNESS OF THE SPIRITUAL REALMS. The key that allows you to traverse this Sacred Path is within you–it is called your SOUL SONG. You are attuned to what is called your Energetic Signature while you are functioning within the Third- / lower Fourth-Dimensional environment. You are gradually attuning to your SOUL SONG as you move through the remaining sub-levels of the Higher Fourth Dimension, and into the entry level of the Fifth-Dimensional environment.

Your Energetic Signature has resonance, cadence, tones and vibrancy, and it radiates forth from your seven major Chakra Centers and your auric field. It changes daily, along with your thoughts and deeds, for it is responsive to the ego-desire body personality, and to the constant highs and lows of the emotional nature. Gradually, the ego–desire body personality becomes a servant of the Soul, and your vibrational patterns slowly begin to return to a state of balance and harmony. When your base frequency patterns reach the mid-Fourth Dimensional level and above, your auric field gradually expands, and it becomes more radiant. At that time, your Energetic Signature will begin to align with your higher-frequency Soul Song. This, in turn, initiates a Clarion Call to the higher Facets of your Soul Self to begin the process of reunification. Your original Soul Song was in perfect harmony with the Celestial Soul Song of this Sub-Universe; it was how you were, and are, recognized by your Soul Family members and the great Beings of Light.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Be the Light of the World! - Patricia Cota-Robles

MARCH 20, 2015


There were three very powerful Solar Storms that bathed the Earth in highly charged particles from the Sun. These Storms occurred on March 7th, March 11th, and March 17, 2015

The Divine Intent of that monumental influx of Light was to accelerate the cleansing process Humanity and the Earth are now experiencing. This process is pushing the negativity and our human miscreations from the old Earth to the surface, so that this misqualified energy can be transmuted back into Light. This is a critical and necessary step before the patterns of perfection for the New Earth can be encoded on this Planet at an atomic cellular level. Only with the completion of this purging process will we be able to tangibly experience the wonders of the New Earth on a regular basis in our everyday lives.


SUPER NEW MOON – March 20th -  2:36 a.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles) or 5:36 a.m. Eastern Time (New York)
Perigee is when the Moon passes closest to the Earth which greatly increases the impact of the New Moon or Full Moon energies making it a Super Moon.

SOLAR ECLIPSE – March 20th – 2:45 a.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles) or 5:45 a.m. Eastern Time (New York)

MARCH EQUINOX – March 20th – 3:45 p.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles) or 6:45 p.m. Eastern Time (New York)
The Equinox is when the axis of the Earth is perpendicular to the Sun’s Rays. This only happens twice a year, on the March and September Equinoxes. 


We will not experience another March Equinox with a Solar Eclipse until 2053. That does not even include how long it would take for a Super New Moon to be figured into this alignment. 

The power and might of this unprecedented influx of Light will be greatly intensified during the Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Passover which is April 4th, and the celebration of Easter which will be on April 5th. From that point on, the Light on Earth will increase exponentially through the remainder of 2015, thus paving the way for Humanity and ALL Life on Earth to be Initiated into a Higher Order of Being.

Under normal circumstances the synchronicity of the Equinox, a Solar Eclipse, and a Super New Moon occurring at the same time would be very powerful, but there is nothing normal about what is happening on Earth at this time. We are truly in uncharted waters. 

Due to the monumental shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness that have occurred over the past few years, Humanity en masse is now able to withstand higher frequencies of God’s Light than ever before. This is allowing the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth to actually raise the frequency of vibration within our Earthly bodies the maximum we can withstand in every 24 hour period. This facet of our Ascension process is accelerating the purging taking place within each of us, so that everything that conflicts with the Harmony and Balance of God is being pushed to the surface to be transmuted back into Light. From outer appearances this process makes it look like the World has gone amuck. But that is an illusion.

This purging process is necessary in order for us to tangibly manifest the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. To help us God Victoriously accomplish this facet of the Divine Plan, we are receiving more assistance from the Beings of Light Realms of Illumined Truth than ever before in the history of time.

This past two week there were incredibly powerful Solar Storms on our Sun that bathed the Earth and all her Life in monumental frequencies of Light. This was the final step to prepare all Life on Earth for the unprecedented influx of Light we will receive this weekend.

This influx of Light will accelerate the purging process taking place at this time. We are being asked by the Company of Heaven to intensify our invocations of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame, so that this Sacred Fire from the Heart of our Father-Mother God will transmute the surfacing negativity before it can cause any more chaos on the Planet.

The Beings of Light have given us a very powerful invocation that will enable us to invoke the NEW 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame in life-transforming ways.