Thursday, January 08, 2015

Gabriel's Overview of 2015 - Children of Light

A Year of Healing Duality, Bridging the Lower Self into the Heart

MESSAGE FROM GABRIEL, as channeled through Ron Baker

"Dearly beloved, Children of Light, as you know we are called Gabriel. And as always, we are most joyous to be in your divine presence.
We come at this time to talk about 2015, a time when you will heal unlike anything you have known before... IF you have prepared for this time.
It is a we call a Year of Healing Duality, Bridging the Lower Self into the Heart Space. This is a time when you will activate the heart chakra in a way that you have not prior. This is more miraculous for you than you can possibly imagine... in potential, of course.

The opportunity for you to move into the heart space, for you to awaken into levels of love and light, at levels that you have never done before, is now at your fingertips.

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

The Diamond Path: The New Creative Adventure of Love and Abundance in 2015 - Celia Fenn

On this first day of the year 2015 you are stepping into a new beginning and a new adventure on Planet Earth.  2014 was experienced by many as a difficult and chaotic year with personal challenges to many of you. But, Beloved Family of Light, it was also the year in which the gateways and portals of Magical Abundance and Creativity were anchored on the Earth. The challenges that you faced helped you to truly stand in your power and be the Creator of your own Reality. This is the essence of a Multi-Dimensional Master of Light.

In the year 2015, you will be given the opportunity to further develop your skills and abilities as the powerful Diamond Light energies create further acceleration of consciousness and further activations of DNA codes for spiritual and physical evolution. We call this new Time Spiral the Diamond Path, and on this path you will discover the power of Infinite Love and Compassion. You will discover your power within the Galactic and Cosmic energies and you will focus this into the creation of a loving and harmonious reality as you travel the Diamond Path as multi-dimensional Masters and Creators.

Friday, January 02, 2015

2015 Predictions - Jennifer Hoffman

December 31, 2014

Every year, since 2005, I have been writing annual predictions and every year I say the same thing, “I write predictions even though I don’t like writing them”. I hesitate to make predictions, especially about world events, because I do not want to influence anyone’s thinking or skew the energy in any particular direction.

Now, more than ever, there is enormous power in the shared collective awareness. Since my predictions are read by millions of people from dozens of countries, who can translate and interpret what they read in many different ways, sharing these predictions is a mission that I take very seriously and I write them with a great deal of care. That said, at different times during the year I refer to the predictions I made (which I do not change once they are published), and I am surprised at how accurate they are.

The details of exactly ‘what will happen’ are not always part of the information I share with you, as it is more focused on what has the potential to happen or what is energetically aligned to allow certain events to unfold in particular ways. Because we have evolved so much during the past decade, sometimes knowing the different potentials serves as a decision making guide, rather than a dire warning of the upcoming year’s events.