Monday, June 22, 2015

Monthly Weather Report - June - Children of Light


When you begin connection and intimacy with yourself, you are prepared for the next layers and levels... which will be connection with one another in the 2nd chakra in June.

This will be particularly encouraged and supported in this next month. You will be focused on relationships. The energies will encourage you to evaluate which relationships are based on attachments and compensations and co-dependence, versus which relationships are connecting as two authentic individuals sharing, giving, receiving, supporting, exploring, listening and connecting.
As you connect more authentically in this time, it will be interesting to see which relationships are more willing and available for connections and which ones only know how to fill time, attached to the agendas and compensations of the lower, wounded self.

We encourage you to take more proactive role in inspiring your relationships into more authentic connections. People have been afraid, and yet, this is one of the most important things that people desire in their lives. True connection.
If you begin the month of May beginning a connection with yourself, being true to yourself, then you will be more prepared to continue that practice and simply share yourself with others, inspiring and encouraging them to do the same.
There is great meaning and value to be found in exploring deeper connection with those you love.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The June 2015 Solstice - Celia Fenn

The June 2015 Solstice : Activating the Cosmic Diamond Heart, Birthing the New Earth Soul and Calling Back the Animals

Beloved Family of Light, your Planet is reaching a key moment in its process of Ascension and Transformation. As you enter into the "Event Field" of the June Solstice on the 21st June, you are feeling the incoming and powerful energies of the Lion's Gate, the 8/8/8 and the final Lunar Eclipse of the two year series on the 28th of September.

These events mark the final "grounding process" of the Cosmic Diamond Heart Frequencies into the Multi-Dimensional Earth Grids, as well as the Birthing of the New Earth Soul. This is the true beginning of the Earth Star/Planet as a Multi-Dimensional experiential reality field for all Light Beings who choose to incarnate on the Earth. This includes not only Humans but all forms of life, including the Animal and Plant families.

At this beautiful convergence of energies at the Solstice, you will fully embody the Diamond Codes and the Diamond Light through activating the Cosmic Diamond Heart. You will welcome the New Earth Soul as a powerful new archetype, and you can if you so choose, participate in calling back the animals who are beginning to leave the Planet in a mass extinction event.

Monday, June 15, 2015

The Reality Of Being A Multi-Dimensional Being - June 14th, 2015 - Aluna Joy Yaxkin

An Ascension Update together with Aluna Joy and the Star Elders.
(P.S. Most often the word WE and US, etc, refers to the reader, humanity and also to the Star Elders, as they do not see a separation between us and them.)

We are more than half way across the great void, from where we were, to where we are going. We have been immersed in a holy and divine, yet unsettling, up and down process of building a cosmic bridge between our current world and other dimensional realities. We are working to energetically tether our 3D world to the 4th, 5th, 6th dimensions and on... with our collective consciousness. It is crunch time, and this upcoming time, through the end of this summer, is the soul breakthrough you have been asking for. We are now in the process of uncovering aspects of ourselves that we have been digging for, and for a very long time.

We have been moving forward with great trust, step by step, with only mere peeks into what lies ahead. We have been following a new flow on a rather confusing surf. We are still purging twisted and tainted ancient lineage lines (genetic and spiritual). These corrupted ancestral lines cannot come with us any further. This work has taken courage, faith, heart break, surrender and community support and lots of energy. We have felt soul tired and confused, and have raised up our arms in surrender. We feel like we are on the very edge of permanent overwhelm, yet something wonderfully huge is happening. This is due to the fact that we are beginning to dance in multiple dimensions at once. 

Thursday, June 04, 2015

June Energy Report 2015 - Jennifer Hoffman

May was a tough month that had very little to do with Mercury retrograde, although it was a factor. I wrote in the May Energy Report that it was a month for ‘taking action’ and it was, but action involves a lot of things besides jumping in the car and taking off. A lot of planning and preparation has to be done that leads up to the action and that’s what May was for. While I was ready to launch my rocket into the stratosphere, I hadn’t check to see whether it was at the launch pad yet, with ‘all systems go’. In May, every attempted step forward brought up something else for clearing and that was necessary so we can be aligned with and integrate what we are ready to do in June. In June we have some challenges, the biggest ones being stepping out after a very long period of feeling a lack of mobility and freedom, and allowing ourselves to dream really big.

After the first five months of 2015 June may feel like an easy ride but that will be the surface view. Remember the ducks that glide so effortlessly across the water? We don’t see their little feet paddling furiously beneath the surface. Flowing with grace and ease is accompanied by a lot of consistent effort, commitment, and intentional focus. Last month I wrote about separating the ‘wheat from the chaff’, and this is what we’ll see. Who is ready for change and who isn’t? We find out this month and it’s time to walk the talk. 

This month starts with a full moon and lots of Gemini action. I have always viewed Gemini as the house of karma and it is highly underrated by the astrology community. But with the Sun, Mars, Mercury, and Saturn, and the new and full moon activity highlighting this house, expect some reminders of karmic cycles, soul groups, soul mates, and the like, especially since Mercury is in some aspect of its retrograde cycle all month. It’s a good idea to double check your communications, leave a little extra time cushion when traveling, and don’t leave details up to chance during this period.