Monday, June 20, 2011

Message June 20, 2011 - Karen Bishop

June 20, 2011

Greetings everyone!

Just a brief message to let you know that the new book is
finally off to the printer. One thing could not be done
until another thing was complete, and on and on. I have
been working feverishly for many weeks, and I thank you
for your patience. Setting myself up as a publisher involved
much, I dare say! And having a six week personal cleanse
during this time did not help!

Planetarily, we are all making great progress moving into
very new last! While things would only seem
to manifest half way, or in part, or only with a temporary
fix, the "right" fit in many arenas is finally arriving in
total ways. This is due to the fact that we are moving
more fully onto the new grid, and in this way, we can now
find ourselves creating things that will now stick. As we
were in transition and in suspended animation for so very long,
we were blocked (for our own good) from creating much of
anything new, as it would only have to be undone when our
more perfect new finally arrived.

Basically, we have moved into a new space in the cosmos.
Can you imagine how much is affected by this fact alone?
With our prior spiritual commitments now over and done,
finding ourselves with a new purpose and a new normal can
be duanting at best. And all of this involves starting over
from scratch, as our new world within this new cosmos operates
in a very different way than we were accustomed to in times
past. Hint: The heart energy runs the show in all ways.

If you had a difficult time getting to sleep last night,
you were not alone. Things are moving very rapidly now,
as our new space continues with the setting up or rather
alignment process with the new. These are exciting times for many cleansings to continue as the
earth prepares herself...personal cleaneses as well as
earth cleanses will continue. We must be squeaky clean
when we fill up with the new and higher energy of a very
new world.

If you are on the e-list (well, I am assuming you are or
you wouldn't be getting this email!), you will get an
announcement when the book is ready to order. Two weeks
on the outside, but hopefully in around a week or so. "Heart
in the Night...From Death to Rebirth...Experiencing Great
Loss During the End Times" addresses all of the above and
a great deal more. You will have an opportunity to read
more about it along with excerpts if you should decide
to order.

Thank you so much for your patience....

Much love to you all,


Karen Bishop, P.O. Box 15196, Rio Rancho, NM 87174, USA

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