Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Actively Spiritual or Spiritually Active? - July 25, 2011 - Jennifer Hoffman

Our choice to live actively or passively depends on how comfortable we are with ourselves, our ability to make the life and self affirming choices and our comfort level regarding change. When it comes to our spirituality, whether we are living actively or passively is reflected internally and externally. Our internal spirituality is shown by how we deal with the Universe and with ourselves as powerful, divine spiritual beings. Externally, it is how we let our light shine in the world. And we are either confident that our every activity is spiritual because everything is imbued with our 'spirit', or we try really hard to be active spiritually, continually judging whether our thoughts and actions are spiritual 'enough'.  

When we are practicing active spirituality, we move forward along an unfolding path, knowing that are needs are always met at every moment and that the Universe is working with us as our co-creative partner. The Universe always works with us, not for us and won't create more than we ask for. If we are passively spiritual, waiting for the next miracle to occur and not participating in the process, the results may be disappointing. When we are actively spiritual we let the Universe know what we want and then apply our faith and trust in the process, going through all of the doors that open for us. And if we don't get that, we look within at our thoughts, beliefs and faith and refrain from judgment ourselves as good or worthy or spiritual enough.

Since many of us have been taught that there is a judgmental God who monitors our every move and judges us as being good or worthy enough, we judge ourselves in this way. We feel we can't or should not be angry, afraid or confused, we impose a burden of spiritual perfection on ourselves that criticizes our humanity because we can't meet a more divine standard. Can we be spiritual in a material world? That is our assignment here and our spirituality is reflected in everything we do and in who we are. We evolve into new levels of our divinity in the same way our body changes as we evolve from a child into an adult.

Our spirituality is an integral part of who we are, spiritual beings who are having a human experience. We apply our spiritual principles in our dealings with everyone, knowing that each of us is a spiritual being and that we are all connected. As Gandhi said, "We must be the change that we wish to see in the world". So as we practice our spiritually, both internally and externally, we become the light that we wish to see reflected in our world. And as our light shines more brightly our vibration is raised and we share that with everyone around us. Our choice to do what is right for us, to live in integrity and to respect our truth empowers those around us. And they will notice our joy, peace and the abundance that flows to us. They will feel the light that shines from our heart space and want to share that. And by simplyremembering ourselves as spiritual we live from that spiritual space and create our own heaven on earth. 

The Uriel Heals  Enlightening Life radio show 
The next Enlightening Life radio show will be Wednesday, July 27, 2011, at 8PM Central time on Blog Talk Radio. We will discuss the newsletter and readings are available to callers, dial 718-664-6504. Click here for show details.

Previous episodes are now on Itunes. Click here to access.

Death, Fragile Lives and Spiritual Gifts

Amy Winehouse died this past weekend, as did over 100 people in Norway, victims of a shooting incident. This kind of news is unsettling because it makes us all too aware of the fragility of life, how easy it is to cross the thin line between life and death and how hard these times can be. It is probably no surprise that Ms. Winehouse, who has struggled with addiction for years, is now dead but that someone could randomly shoot 100 people, mostly children, without consideration for them or their families, is what sets us all back. Is this person spiritual too, what could make someone do something like that and how can the Universe let these things happen?

The events of this weekend are probably why many of you (me too) experienced deep sadness, fatigue, feeling off balance, nausea, and low energy. Every time we experience a big shift in energy there are decisions and choices that some people have to make - do they want to be here, have they finished with what they have come to do, are they willing to continue with their life path or do they wish to be part of the awakening process? I have talked about compassion vortexes many times since 2004 and they serve to help raise energies at critical times and on a global scale.
Compassion vortexes are created from an event that awakens humanity's compassion and moves the collective energy to the heart chakra. In that moment the global consciousness has a single focus, love and compassion flow from their opened hearts, and there is a re-connection of humanity through their heart centers. These vortexes are usually created through an event like the 2005 tsunami, the Japan and Haiti earthquakes, this year's tornadoes and most recently, the shootings in Norway. During these times our attention is turned from our problems to those of others, we pray, cry, send condolences and hope, we remember that any life, including ours, can be changed in a moment.
When humanity needs to be awakened, when the collective needs to remember its connection instead of its differences and when hearts need to be opened, compassion vortexes happen. The people involved are not victims because on a soul level they are active and willing participants. From the person or events that create the situation to those whose lives are forever altered, there is a divine purpose to every event. Amy Winehouse will be remembered as an enormously talented, deeply troubled singer who could not rise above her personal pain; the shootings in Norway are a reminder that despite our collective path, we are still divided by our perceived differences. We will continue to have these vortexes whenever we need a reminder that it is through our open hearts and minds that we re-align ourselves with our divinity, re-center ourselves in our shared ascension journey and re-member that we are all one, so what happens to one happens to all of us.

You can learn to do this true, with 30 Days to Everyday Miracles and the Miracle Mastery program. Find out more by 
clicking here and reading about how you can create your miraculous life. 

Uriel's Message -- For the Benefit of All

Readings with Archangel Uriel offer healing, clarity, amazing insights and more. 
Click here for more details and to schedule a reading.         
Whatever you ask for yourself, you also ask for the benefit of all. When you create a reality where you live in peace, joy and unconditional love exist, it becomes a possibility for everyone. Asking for yourself is not selfish or limiting, it creates an energetic possibility for all to experience life in this way. Each thing that you ask for creates a vibration that resonates throughout the Universe, expanding that energy and creating ever larger openings for it to become part of the earth's energetic imprint. Every prayer that you pray, every wish that you make, has an exponential effect on everyone, everywhere. You are all connected and part of the human family, so what affects one affects all.

Your every thought and emotion are powerful energies which are imprinted in the earth's energetic template. The powerful, self affirming thoughts are equally as powerful as those which affirm your powerlessness and fears. When you send fear out to the earth's energetic template you are expanding the energies of fear which already exist. Darkness is not overcome by more darkness and to erase fear from the human energetic imprint requires that everyone also remove fear from their own emotional body. Remember this when you are tempted to fall into despair or forget that the power to change your life path exists within you. There is nothing which cannot be overcome by the power of the light.

As you affirm your divinity you also remind humanity of its divine core and you change the course of humanity's path. There is no insignificant person or effort, each light adds to the whole and each one creates a spark of light that overcomes its polarity energy. Fear is erased by love and compassion, sadness by joy, judgment by acceptance. Each one of you is capable of changing the course of humanity because you are affirming your divinity, your spiritual being. This raises your vibrations and creates a resonance that the rest of humanity can also achieve. While there is much pain, sadness, anger, fear and hurt in the world at this time, there is also much light and awakening as many people are focused on their spiritual journey.

The old paradigm of having more or being better than others has gone away. The new world has no place for those who want to put themselves above others, to differentiate on the basis of material goods, physical attributes or other elements whose purpose is to separate and create divisions among people. The Oneness of humanity means that all are equal, as they have always been in the eyes of the Creator, so all may be blessed, according to their abilities, spiritual understanding and needs. Each will receive what they need and are willing and able to accept for themselves and what they believe they deserve.

When you remember that all of humanity benefits from your ability to create miracles, step into your power and move forward on your spiritual journey, you increase these energies exponentially and spread the good that you create in your life to everyone, everywhere. If you have felt that you should not ask for miracles because you are undeserving or should not ask for more than what you have, know that you are creating these miracles for yourself and for everyone. It is time for each of you to step into your divine birthright, which is living miraculous lives, being your mastery, where everything you need flows effortlessly to you. Accept this gift and its power, embrace it and use it every day, knowing that when you do so you do it for the benefit of all.

Driving With Their Eyes Closed
My first thought, when I heard that Amy Winehouse had died, was how sad that such a gifted powerful woman was no longer here and that her death would impact us as much as her life did. Many people will look at her short life and think of her as another hopeless addict, too messed up to take control of her life but that is not what she was. Amy was part of a generation whose purpose is to show us our pain and dysfunction, which they often do by mirroring it themselves. If she made people uncomfortable, or if her music touched us deeply it was because her life, addictions and pain were, in some way, ours too.
It is easy to judge people like Amy Winehouse, and the thousands of other gifted young people we know who appear to waste their lives and their talents. We think 'if I had a gift like that I would make better use of it' or 'if I had that ability I wouldn't be wasting my time and energy on drugs and alcohol.' We love, hate, criticize and judge them because they are such great mirrors of us and our pain. We love them because we can connect and relate to them; we hate them because they remind us of our pain and weakness. And we judge and criticize them because they speak a truth we are afraid to hear.

They seem to be 'driving with their eyes closed', crashing into the walls of society with no regard for themselves. I believe they are highly empathic and can't tell the difference between our pain and theirs, so they take it all in. Everything hurts, all of the time, and drugs and alcohol numb the pain. They try to fix the world by showing us our darkness and dim their own light in the process. They do not know that the easier way is to shine their light brightly but they are too afraid that we will get the wrong impression, so they become a caricature of their truth and hope that by inspiring us to pity and cry with them, that we will get the message.

It is not easy to be part of this transitional generation who have come to change the world and who are so talented that we hold them to a higher standard. So when they try to connect with us through our humanity, by mirroring our pain, we think they are just being stupid. But the situation is much more complicated than that and we, although we don't realize it, are blessed by their life, no matter how short it is, as well as by their passing. One day we will no longer need these kinds of teachers and we can celebrate them, their talent, empathy, gifts and their lives in happier ways.

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