Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weather Report of Energetic and Emotional symptoms - January 2012 - Robert Baker

(NOTE: To get a greater sense of how these months fit into a bigger picture, we strongly
encourage you to read the OVERVIEW of 2012 first. We have included a great deal of
information in that article that is important to understand each segment of the year. We
will not repeat that information below.)

We have reached a time that has received more attention than any other year we could mention... a year of major prophecy and change.

"The end of the world" as we have known it... What does that mean? it is a time when energetic shifts, as well as the transition of cycles will create more transformation, endings and beginnings, than anything we have ever known.

2012 is being called a Year of Prepration for Service (as you move through Disillusionment into Enlightenment) by Archangel Gabriel.

In the Overview of the Year, we have talked about the three quadrants (four-month segments) of the year. This channeling will be about the first four months of the year specifically.

"Dearly beloved, Children of Light, as you know we are called Gabriel and we are most joyful to be in your divine presence!

This will be a time of letting go of the old idea that the "source" of reality is outside yourself.

The first four months will be a PURIFICATION process, where you will be developing SELF-love...through the opening of the first four gateways of the heart, as they connect into the lower chakras (energy centers) of your bodies.

The first gateway, located at the base of the sternum, will focus on the release from judgment into an evaluation and discernment with conscience... releasing duality within the self.

As the heart begins to influence in the opening of these gateways, for the revelation of the soul in the physical world, there will be a purification process.

The first gateway will help you develop the revelation of the creative force of love through the freedom of choice. This is what allows the universal Godmind to be integrated and fulfilled in the physical.


you will move from judgment, out of good/bad, right/wrong and reward/punishment into a freedom of choice. Discerned choice, through the influence of the first gateway of the heart.

You are continuing to transform duality, the opposition of two sides, through the myth of right and wrong. As you do this, you will begin to learn to love the Self in a way you never have.

This means that you will be challenged to look at your judgments of Self at this time, as you open to the love force in the heart. The contrast will bring up the illusions of self, as seen through judgment.

You will be asked to take responsibility for this power, as you prepare for the love force to be integrated in your body.

This will be a process of learning, develop and expansion into more and more of who you are in reality. This can be a very rewarding month, if you free yourself from what comes up.

This is held in place by thinking you must look for love outside yourselves, as if you are not already loveable and sacred. Being able to develop a conscience within freedom of choice requires taking responsibility.

The development of a conscience says I must take responsibility for my choices and their impact... This will take place through trial and error, knowing that you make mistakes. You can redeem the mistakes by making new, informed choices.

You always have many choices available in every moment. Every time you take an action, you have available any number of choices. The old myth is that there is only one right choice and all other choices are wrong.

Whereas, the deeper truth is that you must make the choices that are appropriate for what you are focused on and attempting to create and accomplish or discover.

Understand, dear ones, that in reality there is no right or wrong. Simply choice without judgment.

Don't look at mistakes as bad, wrong or shameful... but rather an opportunity to learn more about choices and what serves you. This is your ability to discern and fine-tune.

What works best for you in THIS moment, at THIS stage of your life?

This is a time to refine your choices, which requires that you move beyond the judgment of right and wrong, which is based on fear, not love.

This allows you to move through remorse for mistakes that affect others or do not serve in the long run... but does not require guilt and shame and judgment.

You can also practice forgiveness for the choices you make that have impacts that are negative or limiting. You also need to practice forgiving others for their learning curves as well. This is the development of a conscience.

Always ask yourself what choice you would want others to make if you were in the other shoes... The effect is not always so clear, but it will at least impact your willingness to discern and consider. Evalue, choose, learn and grow. This will allow the development of the first gateway of the heart, grounding it into the 1st chakra at the base of the spine, integrated into your physical reality.

When you approach your lives without judgment and take responsibility for your choices with conscience, you will be much more prepared for self-love. Compassion and empathy will develop, as you see yourself in another and others in you.

When you discern that someone else is making a conscious choice to impact you negatively, you will also feel clearer to stand up and set boundaries about what is acceptable. This is a part of your personal power.

It is also important to understand that most of the time people are not making choices that are "about you." They are simply acting from their present state of conscious development and conscience. Forgiving is much easier when you realize that others act out of unconsciousness that has an impact, the same way that you have done in your various stages of development.

Self-love and compassion will then become deeper compassion for others.

These first four months are mostly about YOU, learning about your own patterns and choices... and the encouragement to set yourself up well, within self-value.

Development of conscience gives you more choices and power and freedom to move in the ways that set you up well. You will not worry so much about "should's" or what someone else might think about you. You will be taking responsibility for the choices that set you up well.

Within that, it is important to acknowledge yourself when you make choices that work well. And when you make a mistake, acknowledge yourself for being willing to choose and to learn and to adjust and improve.

This will allow you to act through the TRUTH of who you are, which will inspire others in the long run as well.

There will be some symptoms as things shift energetically at this time. There will be shifts in the first chakra at the base of the spine, which will bring up your survival issues... the belief that "life acts upon ME."

You will move out of that survival consciousness into creator consciousness through new discernment and conscious choice. This will create an awareness of blockages in the genital and anal region. This will impact your digestion at times, as well as with release of waste.

Sometimes it will be diarrhea and sometimes it will manifest as constipation.

Energy movements in the legs and hips will be common at this time. You may experience rushes of heat in the lower body, as well as little pains, as energy tries to move through the blockages.

As energy from the heart moves down, it will entrain the denser energies to the surface to be released. This may create sexual urges that are unusual as well.

You may also feel a desire to reveal more about yourselves than you have felt safe to share before. This will take place as you become more aware of yourself. Sometimes this will involve primitive parts of your lifetime, such as from childhood and infancy.

Dreams may come up concerning this early part of your life as well. It is all imprinted as a holograph in various levels of consciousness in your bodies.

As you look to the world, there will be lots of survival issues in the larger systems, such as in your governments and social systems.

More and more people will develop dis-ease and physical challenges in the lower body as well, particularly if there are major blockages and issues that have not been faced. It is so important to do inner work, as you prepare to assimilate more and more of these higher energies.

The world will continue to face protests, which come up from survival issues being triggered, such as "Occupy Wallstreet." People are tired of operating in the fear of survival...

This is permeating the whole at this time.

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