Friday, February 03, 2012

Weather Report of Energetic and Emotional symptoms - February 2012 - Robert Baker

Even though the first FOUR months all concern the first gateway, you will begin to introduce the first connection of the 2nd gateway and the 2nd chakra (emotional body).

This is an encouragement to move out of attachments in your life into true CONNECTIONS. Emotional attachments versus the ability to truly connect in equal value.

Attachments come from the fear of unmet needs that leave you looking outside yourselves. However, as you connect more to self, you are able to let go of the outer expectations and attachments... to move into a more trust connection and value.

When the chakras are used in a linear form, you send out chakra "cords" that push and pull on others, trying to get love or approval, etc... This is because most people have not established a self-love that trusts value.

When you begin to shake this up, you will see all of the ways that you have been attached outside yourself, to people and situations, where you try to control to "get" love and reassurance.

As you make more connections to your own feelings, you can resolve the fear and shame that have held you in survival consciousness.

Your emotional identity is what you are being asked to learn to love in this month. Learning to nurture and to respond to the old attachments is vital for this transformation... so that you can move into the balance of giving and receiving, trusting love, from a foundation of self-value.

The second month will encourage a balance and exchange with others. You will begin to see more and more, by how you are in touch with your feelings on the inside or not, how to connect and be reflected in the world around you.

You can feel more genuine connections, if you choose to follow the energetic encouragement. You will start to see how letting go of the old attachments serves you. You will certainly see if something outside yourself is perceived as the 'source" of your well-being... that you hope will provide a feeling for you.

As you learn and grow, you will let go of the old ways of attaching, to create more meaningful trust and connection, if you so choose consciously. You won't need to "demand" the someone else fulfill you.

Everything in February will be about relationship. It will end certain relationships that truly do not serve you... such as relationships that are not about mutual value and investment. When there is not mutual willingness, there will be a greater tendency to let go.

Sometimes it will be YOU who has been attached, who needs to make the balancing adjustments.
All of this activity may create some extreme emotional swings, depending on how integrated and at peace you are already in your emotional body. If you have done a lot of internal nurturing and resolution, it will be more subtle.

Physical symptoms will create shakeups again in the digestive system and lower back. Stomach issues may get exacerbated, even with pains that are made apparent if there are blockages that need to be released. The energy will move through, moving these blockages as best it can.

You may experience some nausea or even an emptiness, as you go through the letting go process. As you connect more emotionally, you may feel more fullness as well!

As these energies move down, you will feel more activity in the sternum and center chest. You may feel some pulsations or heat, as well as rushes of energy. It can be a strange feeling, sometimes accompanied by a pressure feeling.

The world will see more emotional upset. You will see it within structures and forms, as these energies are involved in the manifestations of your lives.

There will continue to be a re-structuring of everything in your world, as a new Ray of Consciousness (the Ceremonial Order of Magic) begins to penetrate and balance structures. In the first month, it will be physical structures and in this month more emotional structures that are the focus.

You may start to feel more connection to Self... which enables you to connect to the world around you more fully. It may be simple things, such as being "moved" and connected by choices that you see taking place around you.

Connection will create a sense of deeper fulfillment than you have ever imagined through attachments and yearning after what is missing. It allows you to see the beauty in things instead.

Attachment comes from a conditioned idea that identifies something outside of you as the source, which can never allow you to be at peace.

As you make connection, you also start to move from the ego, sympathy and co-dependence into true compassion and integrity. From that space, you can experience a full, emotional experience with it all. Out of this space comes enlightenment.

This will, of course, require disillusionment of all that is stuck in attachment. For instance, with the protests that are taking place, there is attachment and blame at the present stage of the awakening.

The wounded child is standing up and saying, "You cannot treat me this way any more!" However, protest is not a solution... and peace will only be found in offering solutions. Blame is not helpful. However, you are likely to see a lot of it in this month of February.

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