Monday, May 14, 2012

Weather Report Of Physical & Emotional Symptoms for May - August, 2012 - Children of Light

(NOTE: To get a greater sense of how these months fit into a bigger picture, we strongly
encourage you to read the
OVERVIEW of 2012 first. We have included a great deal of
information in that article that is important to understand each segment of the year. We
will not repeat that information below.)

We have reached a time that has received more attention than any other year we could mention... a year of major prophecy and change.

"The end of the world" as we have known it... What does that mean? it is a time when energetic shifts, as well as the transition of cycles will create more transformation, endings and beginnings, than anything we have ever known.

2012 is being called a Year of Prepration for Service (as you move through Disillusionment into Enlightenment) by Archangel Gabriel.

In the Overview of the Year, we have talked about the three quadrants (four-month segments) of the year. This channeling will be about the first four months of the year specifically.

"This is a time of preparing the lower chakras for the radiatory light of the soul to penetrate. In doing so, the gateways of the heart are beginning to open further, to facilitate the raising up of the chakras. 

The lower 3 chakras have been the chakras of survival... and now as you awaken the heart chakra and the soul, you begin to raise up the lower chakras with the soul's presence. 
This requires many shifts in the physical body. The physical body must align with the etheric body, which transforms the soul light into something that can be integrated with the physical body. This impacts the astral body as well. So there is a lot of activity going on at this time.

May - Value
June - Meaning
July - Truth
August - Purpose into Action 

The first four months were about a shift from Judgment into Discernment and Conscious Choice about your lives (in the 1st gateway) and deepening a love of Self. In the next four months, you will mostly focus on the 2nd gateway of the heart, and a shift from Attachments to genuine Connections. 

This will take you from the experience of love of Self on the inner, which has been the focus of the first months, rather than remaining stuck in an ego identity. 

The influence in the first four chakras are now being awakened through the 2nd gateway of the heart - from attachment to connection. Attachment keeps you focused on the OUTER world, physically, mentally and emotionally to determine your well-being or false sense of self. 

When you are in attachment, you are moving through life as a survival experience. As you move into connection with the opening of the 2nd gateway, you move into a greater sense of creator-ship. 

You now take the inner connection that you have begun to deepen in the first four months into your outer connections. From love of self to planetary love or love for one another. 


This months has to do with connection, out of survival consciousness into a VALUE OF BEING.

This will be the penetration of the life lesson, which contains the inherent elements within you that you brought in as a soul... that earmark your true individuality. This involves your gifts, talents, abilities and qualities of self that allow you to connect in an individual way to the world around you. 

The month of May is about the development of VALUE, focused on all that you are, as well as all that others are. You will start to create more connections with mutual exchange. 

You will move out of a survival paradigm in the first chakra, which has known the survival of the fittest and a competitive nature. 

The lower self has been all about competition, conquering and competing, with no real trust or connection to anything. Now that you are beginning to connect more fully to yourself, you are ready for a communion of souls, where you use your talents and abilities to enhance one another. 

You will begin to evaluate your talents and abilities from a deeper perspective of the "we" consciousness. Mutual benefit and value will be discovered more fully. You will seek out similar vibrational levels within the process. And you will help one another to fulfill and create, where it serves the good of the whole. Cooperation will help you deepen the solutions you seek. 

You will learn to offer what you have to one another in deeper aid and service to one another... moving into planetary love and "we" consciousness. 

This requires that you have learned how to value Self more fully, of course. Many different groups will begin to form or deepen, that are committed to the benefit of the whole more fully. Even religions may attempt to come together for bigger solutions and mutual concern.

There will be a desire to help those stuck in survival consciousness. Survival consciousness is in its peak, which is showing up as the breakdown of many systems that are stuck in these old perspectives.

And herd consciousness is beginning to stand up and speak up. It is enough. We deserve to all be treated with equal value. This will accelerate. And there will be more oppositions to these shifts from the opposite side as well, for those caught up in the defense and control of the lower self. Both sides experience movement at the same time. 

The 7th Ray is coming in more and more fully to re-structure everything that has been stuck in duality and it is moving everything into unity consciousness. 

All of the different groups and systems are being affected. Anything in opposition will be in greater breakdown out of these energies, so that you can respond and create more fulfilling systems and approaches. 

You are learning to become a part of a harmonic that is for the good of all. Unity consciousness is merely being initiated or introduced. Those who of a higher soul consciousness, ready to move into a more defined world service, will be defining and refining ways that you can be of service, using your talents, abilities and qualities of Self. 

You will have lots of activity energetically in the lower body. The base of the spine, legs, feet and pelvis. You are creating an inner movement that is moving out. Anything in opposition will rise first. There will be more survival issues related to attachments revealing their illusions.

There will be much need to let go of attachments, such as old ways of relating that are not based on mutual value and connection. Giving and receiving in balance. Balance is an important word this month. 

You may also find that you want to let go of things that no longer serve. You may do a spring cleaning, letting go of what no longer suits the person you are becoming. These things can serve as a barrier to your growth. 

If you are attached to things, out of a fear or avoidance of deprivation, you will only be burdened in heaviness if you hang on. There will be more activity and acceleration of dis-ease in the lower body. Prostate, ovary issues. 

Joint issues and issues of support (back and legs). Where there is opposition to movement and change, you will find greater issues. 

You may feel sometimes a connection to people, situations and experiences that are not so easily explained. You will expand in your ability to connect and exchange in ways that are uplifting in new ways. 

There may be more activity in the heart as the 2nd gateway opens. There will be energy moving down, which can create compression on the lower chakras. Digestive issues may accelerate, which is a reflection of how you digest the experiences of life. 

There may be unfulfilling past experiences coming up, with a sense of mourning and sadness, as you move through this cleansing.

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