Monday, November 05, 2012

The Energies of November - Jennifer Hoffman

The back and forth energies of October have thankfully ended and we are entering the relative calm of November, although two eclipses and several retrograde planets, including Mercury retrograde all month, will contribute to this slower movement. We will have to decide whether it feels stagnant or is a period of well deserved rest before we move into December and then into 2013.

This has not been an easy year but it has been one in which we have had to stay one step ahead of ourselves and we learned the power of choice, intention and alignment. As we set new intentions, anything that was not aligned with them was up for review. What were we going to choose, our new intention and a new alignment or our old ways of being, which also meant relinquishing our new intention? Having fewer options could make the choices easier but in this case, the things we had to choose from often meant big life transformation. And sometimes we chose neither because we weren’t ready, it was just too hard or it wasn’t the right time. As we move into 2013 timing will become increasingly important and we will learn to work within divine timing. This month presents us with learning about divine timing, right purpose, alignment, and integrity.

As we move into November, Mercury retrograde asks us to re-view, re-lease, re-consider and then re-align with what is left over, once we have released everything that is not in alignment with the intention we have for our life. What is that? Start with joy, being happy, feeling fulfilled, being secure. Make room for the Universe to work within your life, create space for the fulfillment of your intention and dreams, and be willing to receive. We’re masters at asking, but we forget that at some point we have to stop asking and be willing to receive (all within divine timing, of course).

This is the final Mercury retrograde of 2012 and aside from the normal Mercury retro warnings to double check communications, travel plans, and back up our computers, it is an opportunity to make some final choices about what has happened during the past year. What is of value and valuable to you? What robs you of your joy, energy, life force and soul? What do you tolerate or accept because you are afraid of change? What brings you joy? What inspires you, makes you laugh, fills your heart, and gives you peace? What deep, soul-level desires have you been hiding from yourself? Is it time to bring them forward?

November’s energies will guide us to put ourselves first and the eclipses, including a rare total solar eclipse on November 13 is at the same degree as one that took place in November 1993. I remember that one, it was also a total eclipse and I saw it in Houston,Texas. It was so strange to be in the dark during the middle of the day. How much has your life changed since 1993? Is there anything you are still doing now that you did then? What do you want to change and do you have the will to change it? The power, support and guidance are always available to help you make those first steps, all that is required is your will to be open to receive your blessings. The second eclipse on November 28 is a partial lunar eclipse powered by Mercury going direct. All systems will be in place to move into December which, I think, is really the beginning of the energies of 2013. Let November bring forward any endings and let them end, especially if they have come up more than once this year. It’s time to finally let those doors close so new ones can open.

We think that life is a marathon and we live it that way, going around within the same experiences, struggling with the same limitations, trying to do our best with what we think we have been given as our life lessons to learn through, heal and transform. But, consider that life is a rely race and at every turn and crossroads, we have the opportunity to pass the baton to someone or something else. The decision to pass the baton, to stop fighting, embrace healing, acknowledge ourselves as powerful creators and worthy of unlimited, abundant, joyful blessings and move our lives in another direction, is the most significant and powerful healing choice we can make. Is it time to pass the baton in your life? What battles are you willing to stop fighting (the real meaning of surrender) and begin using your energy in different ways? A month with Mercury retrograde and two eclipses is certainly providing the support for you to do anything you want. Whatever isn’t flowing isn’t going in the right direction for you.

And finally, those of us who were not directly impacted by Hurricane Sandy look with sadness and compassion at the images of those who have lost everything and have to rebuild their homes and their lives. At the same time, our hearts are warmed by the stories of sharing, giving, and caring as the area pulls together to begin the process of rebuilding and recovery. We grieve with them over the loved ones they have lost and pray for their healing. In our connected world what happens to one, happens to all. It is an opportunity for us to be grateful for each moment, to remember what is important and to open our hearts to our fellow travelers, as we are all on this journey together.

Have a fantastic month.

Jennifer Hoffman

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