Friday, May 03, 2013

Weather Report Of Physical & Emotional Symptoms for May - Children of Light

We have reached a time that has received more attention than any other time we have known... a time of major prophecy and change.
"The end of the world" as we have known it... as the planet reaches the mid-point of her life. This mid-life change is the time when we move back "home," towards Divine Source. This will bring a deeper awareness of soul consciousness and the fact that we are all sacred beings, a part of Creator.

This will bring the need to face the limitations that we have known, stuck in the more primitive stages of attachment to the physical as the source of our well-being. This has merely be a stage of learning that the planet has been immersed in for so very long. 

But deeper truths are waiting to be revealed!. More personal and collective potential awaits us than we have ever been able to access prior to this time!

We have only been in the front edges of this awakening in the last decades, when we have accelerated in many ways more than we did for the last thousands of years... And we have just begun!

2013 is being called a Year of New Beginnings through End of Conflict of Opposites by Archangel Gabriel.

In the Overview of the Year, we have talked about the three quadrants (four-month segments) of the year. This channeling will be about the second four months of 2013 specifically.

"Dearly beloved Children of Light, as you know we are called Gabriel, and as always, it is a joy to be in your divine presence.
This is a most important time of soul awakening. And you are now moving into the second four months of 2013 - which is a time of BREAKTHROUGH.
The month of May has to do with the development of AWARENESS.

There is a lot of activity going on in the divine 7th chakra, which relates to the consciousness of the Godmind. This activates the soul cycles, which begins to activate the penetration of the soul's consciousness into the physical body.
The activation of the 7th chakra brings the downloading of information into the DNA of the cells, activating the codons... starting with the temples and frontal lobes of the brain.

The interpretation of the information begins to take place in the crystalline structure above the temples... so this will be a lot of activation in the glandular system of the body.

This begins to reveal for the first time just the bare beginnings of information of the first four archetypes of the Godmind - Revelation, Inspiration, Expression and Experience.

The consciousness of God which is undifferentiated... will begin to connect into individual consciousness.

Then in June, you will begin to activate the 6th chakra, which contains the information and interpretation of your individual place in the Divine Plan. This will involve BEGINNING TO MAKE NEW CHOICES based on the AWARENESS that you develop in May.

This will begin the revelation of your place of service, related to your highest truth of being, expressed through your talents, abilities and qualities of being.
July will then be about the 5th chakra and putting your new choices into ACTION. This is the center of commitments and expression, following the truth of your being.

Then in August you will deepen COMMITMENT to the action of your choices, based on the awareness that begins to take place.

May - Awareness
June - Making New Choices
July - Putting Choices into Action
August - Deepening Commitments to those Choices
This is the overview of the breakthrough segment of the year 2013.

The month of May will find a lot of confusion on your planet. This will come from the higher energies coming into the conditioned brain, based on your habitual thought forms and emotional attachments.

Anything connected to the survival paradigm of the lower ego will be coming up. This will create some deeper identity crisis. The Soul is your true self, but the ego survival self is always relying on a description or decision about self.
This comes from conditioning and the emotional attachments that have come out of those early experiences.

As you come into dis-illusionment more and more, you will also have breakthroughs and inspirations, that inspire your AWARENESS in this month... based on an inner truth that you have not known before.

You will begin to negotiate and trust that, as it comes through as developing intuition and knowing. This will move you beyond the old mental and emotional patterns that kept you busy and impeded from communication with your Soul.

Physical symptoms that may take place include pressure in the head, headaches, tension in the neck and shoulders... as well as the upper body. Pressure or ringing in the ears may take place from the downloading energy.
This is preparing to connect you to the "music of the spheres," which is how information is transmitted and connects into the physical... operating through subtle vibrations and frequencies connected to certain sounds. Some will be too high in vibration to hear consciously.

but as you raise your own vibration, you may contact it through an aberration of pressure in the ears, with piercing sounds.

This is not going to create a physical problem, unless there is tremendous blockage in the head. This month of May could create an increase in brain issues if there is tremendous blockage.

If you are doing your inner work, releasing blockages, it is unlikely that you will have to worry about these extreme impacts.

The world at large will experience a lot of confusion and indecision, as things come into awareness from various systems around the world in various countries. The Shadow self is coming to the surface in a big way, in differing ways, depending on the issues of countries and groups.

Expect impending conflict in the East, with needs for some new decisions that are being avoided so far. There may be pressure put on the US to make some clear decisions.

Individuals will start to experience more things at one time, as well as how they are connected to each other. This is the beginning of unity consciousness and how all things serve other things. This begins multi-dimensional awareness and the impact of resonant causation, rather than cause and effect.

As this takes place, you must move into more neutrality to see clearly the inter-connectedness of more things. The Soul operates through resonance...
When you operate through the connection of "we consciousness," you start to become more aware of the resonance of things and the synchronicity of things more fully.

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