Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Weather Report Of Physical & Emotional Symptoms for September - December, 2013 - Children of Light

(NOTE: To get a greater sense of how these months fit into a bigger picture, we strongly
encourage you to read Gabriel's
OVERVIEW of 2013
first. We have included a great deal of
information in that article that is important to understand each segment of the year. We
will not repeat that information below.)

We have reached a time that has received more attention than any other time we have known... a time of profound prophecy and change.

"The end of the world" as we have known it, as the planet moves into the mid-point of her life... the time in our lives when powerful, new energy is released that is intended to awaken us to our highest spiritual potential. 

In the world of survival we have known, midlife has been a time marked by increased breakdown and even crisis, as the new energies have merely slammed into the blockages in our bodies, that we created out of fear, defense and separation.

Whether this will be a time of expanded consciousness and potential or a time of greater crisis is up to each one of us as individuals... and then of course, the combination of collective consciousness will also have its impact. This has already begun in deeper ways... in practical ways all around us.

For the planet, this mid-life shift is literally a 180 degree shift of the "pendulum of life," beginning to move in the opposite direction. Higher energies are encouraging this 180 degree shift of direction... from a time when we have looked OUTSIDE ourselves like wounded children looking for something to give us a sense of purpose... or at least a sense of being valid and important...
to a time that we are encouraged to look INWARD... to discover the essence of SELF / "home."

This inner relationship is what will awaken a deeper awareness and eventual connection to our soul consciousness... where we will actually EXPERIENCE the deeper truth that we are Divine, a literal facet of Creator. That is the Holy Grail.

In order to know this deeper reality, the movement of higher energies are first bringing us face to face with the limitations we have known, stuck in the more primitive stages of attachment and glamour, in the ILLUSION that the objects and situations of our outer physical reality are what provide our sense of well-being. 

This way of experiencing life is coming to a close... and has merely been a vital stage of learning until we were ready for "something more..."

That is what this time of unprecedented evolution and prophecy is all about!
But we must first learn HOW to access these energies, how to prepare our physical, emotional and mental bodies... so that we can make this time of midlife a move forward and not one into deeper crisis.

That we have been in the front edges of this awakening can be best illustrated by the fact that we have accelerated in the last few decades in many ways more than we shifted in thousands of years prior...
And we have just begun!

2013 is being called a Year of New Beginnings, as we prepare to End the Conflict of Opposites and Opposition.

This is a most important time of soul awakening. And you are now moving into the last four months of 2013 - which is a time of potential INTEGRATION.

This, of course, depends on what you have allowed in the first two segments of the year... a time of some breakdown of the old and some inner breakthroughs that prepare us to respond and grow.

This awakening and movement has primarily been activated by the 7th Ray of Consciousness, the Ceremonial Order of Magic... and energy that is permeating the physical to ultimately inspire a greater balance. This will take place as it also inspires us to move out of wounded narcissism and limited sense of survival into a coming together of "we" consciousness... where the good of the whole becomes the deeper truth and inspiration.

In the most recent four months, you have seen the impact of the 7th Ray as it moved energy from the 7th chakra (crown of the head) down through the upper body... awakening a path for the higher will of the soul to connect into the physical body more fully.

In these four months, the 7th Ray moved from the crown down through the 3rd eye and throat chakras and into the heart space.

These last four months are a time for that energy to continue down into the lower body, the lower three chakras (mental, emotional and physical connections and transformation).

If you have already begun to allow a connection to these energies in the higher inspiration centers, you have begun an awakening of your conscious mind into the consideration of new choices and deeper truths. And you are now ready to apply all of that to the activation of the lower centers, the place of the personality, lower will and ego.

This will be a challenge unlike what you are used to. It is a time when the powerful energies will face you with your old choices more directly, looking to learn from the limitations of the structures you have known and relied upon in so many ways.

This will be a time of awakening that it will shake up your comfort zones in a more experiential way. This is a vital stage... but one that may not be embraced by many.

You see, when you have a familiar form, the lower self often demands the repetition of what is known so that you have the illusion of consistency and reliability. However, in order to grow, you must be willing to look at what is unstable within those forms... and what is ultimately unsustainable.

This is not an easy task for the lower will, which struggles on the edge of survival anyway. It is not a stable force. It has had a very small comfort zone, which it struggles to protect and defend.

And the deeper truth is that if life was not in constant movement, the lower will would simply choose to stay in the familiar, even though there is growing imbalance and even destruction... and you would never allow yourselves to truly grow and evolve.

So much more of life is waiting to unfold. but you must first face the task of facing your own myths and illusions... that the outer structures of your world are incapable of handling all that you ask of them.

It will be a time when you are asked by events that take place to take deeper responsibility... to show up and grow into more of your potential and empowerment. This is what the last four months of this year will bring. And this is why they have been called a time of Integration.

September is a time for you to get to know the new choices that have been inspired in recent months... and begin to apply them in your daily lives.

The challenge is that this is also when the energy of the 7th Ray moves into the edges of the lower wounded self. The gateway of that lower self is the 3rd chakra in the solar plexus.

This arena is tricky, as it is also the center of the lower will, which stands like a watch dog on anything that will challenge the familiar comfort zone. In many ways, it wants to continue to dance with its toys and distractions, while someone else is responsible for holding the structure of safety and growth for your world in place.

This is a symptom of the wounded self stuck in wounded narcissism. However, you have the power to challenge that fear structure and move into the integration of new, deeper truths and more fulfilling choices.
Just look at the world around you. As the energy of higher will begins to move into the planet as the energy of the Divine Plan of evolution, you are faced more directly with what is still held in the agendas of defense and separation... the wounded "me" consciousness that only knows how to look out with agendas and attachments of gratification.

This may sound harsh, but we attempt to help you awaken to the truths that will save you much heartache. The truth shall set you free. Yes, it is true... but you must summon the courage to look to the deeper truths, revealed in the reactions of those around you.

The truth is that you have much need of growth and taking deeper responsibility for the world that you co-create each and every day. It can be a world of transformation and progress or it can be a world that is challenged to its knees.

This first month, you must look at the belief structures that hold you in fear and an attempt to control. You must look to the structures that count on these beliefs... that ask you to give up your individual power and simply trust them to continue forward in the same old ways.

These kinds of structures will not work for you any longer. You must awaken and allow deeper truth, if you want to grow. Keep in mind that All things must grow to live and thrive. As an example, the needs of the child are simple compared to the needs of the adult. If you stay a child, you will not know the fulfillment of adults in empowered truths.
This is the challenge of this month.

Many of you will see the fears of your past coming up to be revisited. You will see how these fears have kept you stuck, with your proverbial heads in the sand, unsure what to do to change or impact the world. And so you have buried your heads like children.

However, if you will allow it to be so, you will be inspired with exactly what you need to respond... to come together and inspire one another into choices that set you up better and better as time progresses.

If you will simply slow down... and get still, the answers will be there, all held within you. You must go beyond your habitual reactions and fears and simply get still. You will see that your simple truths are trying to guide you into more fulfilling choices... choices that value one another, that rely on one another, that inspire one another, that ultimately love one another.

But you cannot move into this space fully quite yet. Start simply. Start with choices that encourage you to pause, interrupting the familiar auto-pilot sitting in the seat of the lower will. 

Pause and take a moment to reflect. What is your personal inner truth about whatever you are contemplating? What do you TRULY believe will make a difference or take you to better places in your lives?

You have the power to transform. You have the power to change into empowered adults. You have the power to change your world, one loving step a time.

And so we encourage you to look at all that is taking place around you. Wars. Rebellions. Confusion. Conflict of nations, groups, religions. This will all be exacerbated as these higher energies seek to balance that which is in fear in the 3rd chakra.
The first impact of the lower will is to push back.

Opposition is what you have known. It is the comfort zone when you do not get your way. But it will only perpetuate what you have known and it will continue to accelerate. Life is movement and nothing stands still.
Life wants to heal and life flows through each one of you. Allow the deeper truths to awaken and inspire you to take action. Learn to apply the choices that come from your loving truth, your awakening individuality. That is the potential of this time.

However, you will have to face the end of many structures begin able to sustain the status quo. You will see this played out in many ways. For instance, the US government is on the verge of oppositional forces revealing some of the illusions you have not wanted to see.

These approaches and structures will not be able to sustain a nation of individuals who remain like children, waiting for the "parental figures" to work it all out. You need to stand in truth in your simple, individual ways... and the combination of energies will slowly build a new resonance at every level of consciousness...

and you can the begin to come together. You can each learn to inspire solutions at grass roots levels. You can begin to adjust your choices with a real vision in mind. You can begin to apply the inspiration of the higher energies that are moving through your bodies, attempting to awaken you into all that you need.

It is a time of great awakening... and integration of deeper truths. But you must get through the gateway of the 3rd chakra, the mental body and its lower will, which guides through fear and separation.

You must look first to your individual lives, your communities and your relationships. What choices can you make to begin to seek deeper solutions and resolutions... that inspire you to look at all perspectives, that seek to honor all?

This is the biggest goal. How do you learn to value ALL? You are included in this... and yet the child must be educated if you are to grow into HOW this is actually possible. These higher energies will awaken just such an awakening as you summon the courage... the courage to transform and grow.

This is all starting in September and will deepen as you grow into October.

October is the month when you stimulate the 2nd chakra, the emotional body of the planet, with higher truths. Anything that is held in emotional imbalance and duality will be challenged to the fore.

It will be a time of deeper emotional resolutions for those who have done the inner work and preparation... and it will be a time of much upheaval, for there is so much out of balance in the world at this time emotionally.

Your emotional bodies will play a giant role in what is to come. You have heard that there is an awakening of truth coming into the fields of psychology and the like. This is a vital growth, necessary for the healing that you seek.

You must begin to understand that the emotional body holds the clue to all that you seek... for what you EXPERIENCE determines all of your choices. Either what you are able to experience that you "like" and allow or what you experience that you seek to AVOID at all cost.

This is the bottom line motivation of every moment of your lives. You are in a world that is all about the opportunity to EXPERIENCE. And most of you have been stuck on the planet in perspectives of emotional duality and avoidance.

"Most of you" may once again sound harsh. But there is a great deal of truth in what we share. And if you have the courage to look at what we share without defense, you will likely see the symptoms that serve you.
It is a time when these higher energies are supporting you to feel, to express, to release and to look at what still lies in fear and shame... so that you can free yourselves into the experience of freedom, of peace, of connection and intimacy in ways that are profound and meaningful.

But you cannot get there without a courageous response to these higher energies. You must work with the energies to grow into an adult capacity to feel and experience all that life wants to bring to you.
And to remain in the comfort zones of avoiding feelings at all costs that are uncomfortable to your conditioned sense of self is what has gotten you so out of balance in the first place.

The world is entering vital stages of growth. And each stage is sacred. There is nothing wrong with the stage you are in. However, it is a stage that is transforming energetically, so that you can grow into more of who you are.

This is the natural flow of life, which evolves and shifts into more of itself, as you move in this new inner directed return HOME that has been spoken of.

We say to you once again that the emotional body is the key to your success. You must learn to feel all your feelings as the sacred messengers that they are. You must learn to feel, so that you can create intimacy with your own lives. Only when you do can you move into the intuition of higher emotional intelligence that is waiting to form your new structures.

The old structures that are being challenged need you to be accessible to deeper truths. They need you to respond, which is an emotionally intelligent choice. Only when you seek the tools you need to LEARN how to respond emotionally will you move into the inspiration of INTUITION. 

This is the realm of the soul level of consciousness that is seeking to meet you at the threshold of your lives.
So respond. Seek the tools, as well as the inspiration of those who have been learning how. Feel, express and support one another into a deep, emotional awareness in your lives. This will save you much heartache as well.

The wounded world is on the verge. But you must awaken and respond.

This brings us to the month of November. It will be a time when the energies will move to the base of your spines and activate a transformation of your lives in ways that are deeper and richer than what you have known.

It will be a time to challenge the very core of your lives... to allow the structures and forms you have begun to challenge in the previous two months to begin their new journeys into truths that have not been the normal approach, the familiar approach.

This will be a time of much upheaval, which is what happens in a time of change. This is not a bad thing. It is quite good, to use your old terms of duality. You see, it is transformation that allows for greater fulfillment... the fulfillment of the Divine Plan on your planet.

You cannot think that this will occur without challenging the limitations of the old. It cannot be done. The old will give way to the deeper truths, if you have begun to practice the stillness and inner listening that we have suggested.

This time will force you into a new search for deeper solutions. What could be better? You showing up in your lives, taking deeper responsibility for all that is transpiring, which is nothing more that the world seeking to move into "something more."

You are each divine, sacred beings. You are loved and supported in all things, even change and transformation. However, this time of shaking up the lower self inspires you to move beyond the limited views of that lower self... into the higher consciousness of the rising soul.
This is great news indeed. IF you respond.

You are given free will within the structures of your lives. And you can respond from the deeper truths awakening within or you can fight for the old in a way that has been all too familiar.

Life is moving. Life is movement. Life is the movement of energies that flow through you in the physical, giving you the privilege of experience. And experience inspires you to respond and dance... to grow and become more of all that you are.

This is life. And yet, you have not lived LIFE in many ways. This is the deeper truth that you will discover in this time. 

So look to the challenged lower will, the challenged structures created out of the lower will and the fear/control/separation paradigm that you have known. And respond with the higher intelligence that moves within you as well.

Work to clear the way, the pathway of the lower self, which is the realm of experience. Clear the way with the tools available to you, so that you can each respond and take your place in the unfolding Divine Plan of creation for your planet Earth.

This is a time to celebrate... a time of rebirth.
And that rebirth is first awakened by endings of the limited, old.

This is what is taking place on your planet, as the 7th Ray of Spirit moves through your lives and your planet. It is a most exciting time to be alive... not to resist.

This final month of the year will be a time when you begin to bring together all that you have learned in the year of integrating the first major wave of downloading the 7th Ray of Consciousness.

You will begin to look at all that has taken place, more deeply inspired to respond and awaken. More clearly aware of what is not working and what is needed.

The process of planetary transformation takes place one sacred step at a time... and it gives you the time to learn and grow as individuals in the same way.

So use this time of culminating your year to look back at all you have learned. And use it as a time to deepen your stillness, as you prepare for what is next. Learn to listen to the truth that is awakening within. 

Keep in mind that you are new to this. You are newborn babes in a world that is moving you against the flow of what has been. And be compassionate with yourselves in that process. This is one of the many truths that will serve you well.
Be well, creating from your new choices and responses to this divine awakening. You are loved. So very loved. But it is time to actively love yourselves, as you learn to grow up into the potential of divine, sacred beings.

Love one another as you are able. Love one another with all your hearts... to experience all that you are.


If the information you find on this site intriguing and simply need help with knowing how to INTEGRATE these powerful new energies and potentials into your life, we now have a great solution:

We have created a website called Empowered At Last, where Ron will take you personally through layers of self-empowerment and personal healing, that will allow you to create a more fulfilling potential with your life - one clear step at a time.

Literally 100% of our personal clients make distinct forward steps in their lives, improving their own sense of Self, their relationships, their health and their flow of abundance in all areas - no matter how much other work they have done.

Come and found out how you can enhance your own journey!
Empowered At Last

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