Sunday, January 12, 2014

Fukushima : The global choice for the embodiment of Freedom - Nanco Immanuel

On March 11, 2011 three of the 6 nuclear reactors in Fukushima, Japan, broke down. After a powerful tsunami the nuclear power plant got hit.
After Hiroshima in 1945, Japan has become once more the basic foundation of a nuclear disaster. To understand this multidimensional occurrence in a better way, we need to feel and understand which aspect Japan represents within ourselves.

Japan symbolizes our inner feminine energy field, which is reconnected to source again. When our Source connection is felt again, and becomes part of our daily reality, a strong foundation can be set in which we offer the 4th dimension, the dimension of the heart, a body. Blueprint technically, Japan ensures we can align our physical body and our free choices with the creation of a legitimate, new, 4th dimension, where dreams are realized through our pure connection to Source.

Creating dimensions from the humane, and creating dimensions from a non-physical form, works in a totally different way. We, as humans, have a unique ability to bring everything to life, as we introduce the Goddess everywhere through our bodies. This is a path of ascension. A dimension created from the entire experience of everything, including the Goddess, is also called a dimension of consciousness. When we create the 4th dimension, and thereby consciously enter it, we are entering an eternal, divine stream that contains the NOW moment. It is a deep realization of the NOW, where your attention is entirely focused on the requirements of the moment. In this eternal flow, we are who we are, living our divine blueprint, which is total bliss. 

Fukushima harbors a deep memory within ourselves. Fukushima is the code of the 6th-dimensional geometric field, and a switch for humanity to enter their body. Fukushima is the key to pure and impure geometric patterns in the masculine-feminine connection. Fukushima could be seen as a loving and dual trigger point of what we create when we don’t open the deepest door of our physical body, our deepest vulnerability. We then create from an unfounded, floating masculine-feminine that can create anything other than vicious circles. It’s experiencing your dream outside of your body, but not achieving anything. And if there’s anything that can make us sick, it’s the not living the life of your divine potential. Besides all the perilous toxins in the vapors of Fukushima, the energy that flows from the power plants is also encoded with a message that constantly confirms our ungroundedness. It’s an energy that sticks to ‘not sensing’ our deepest physical Goddess Core. It’s feeling and realizing who you are. This is f.i. present in the word SHIMA, not only the ending of the word Fukushima, but also Hiroshima. These places provide an opportunity to anchor the I AM in the feminine. Offering a basic foundation for all that is feminine is I AM,  A is the first letter of the alphabet and 1 is linked to the Sacred Feminine.

Fukushima touches the old domination of the Anunaki, constantly boosting the pressure on humanity in their dualistic form. The Anunaki numerically coincide with the number 21. The number 21 symbolizes the loving and dual pattern of the masculine oriented towards the feminine. When the feminine within us, does not claim her body, you’ll find that the masculine keeps floating. You remain within your mind. The 2nd and 4th letter of Fukushima is U, which is the 21st letter of the alphabet.

The slave / master role we are maintaining within ourselves, has been fully activated by Fukushima, exactly to master this. The radiation remembers the pollution that was already energetically there, but now it has found enough subtle grounding to affect us to feel deep within what it means to create without the deeply opened door of the body. We are currently facing and standing in that door, to take the next step. The Anunaki wants to become equal, the slave-master role is rebalancing. Body and feeling need to be accepted as a measure for global leadership, which dwells in every human being. 11 is the number of visceral equivalence. The masculine and feminine arriving in the base in feeling. As you can see, the 11-3-11 Fukushima code is coinciding with the 11. It is the deepest point in the physical body, the Goddess. In this point we are and know who we are again, and what we need to create in the moment.

Besides the fact that the authorities are perhaps having a subtle reluctance to rebalance the Fukushima complex and render it largely harmless, we must also understand that Fukushima contains a field of the deepest physical structure, with unique frequency levels where nothing has been created yet. It’s a deep level of initiation, of being nested in the physical body. You can only access the frequency of solutions at this level by descending deep into the physical. If this is not the case, the unique codes of the solution, can’t be put into effect. The world elite certainly think leaving the situation this way, has unique advantages with respect to depopulation, but at the same time are at their wits end. They don’t know what to do, because the formula behind Fukushima is unity, and this is an undeveloped area in the consciousness of the elite. This is very special, because it offers humanity the opportunity to create a new-age solution from the power of creation and co-creation, where a 3D solution and energetic immunity are going together hand in hand. The formula for Fukushima is love. It’s a challenge to act out of love for the Earth, which belongs to us all. The Earth is part of our being. We create a practical solution, and at the same time it challenges us to adapt our vibration as such, that the code of negative radiation can’t affect any longer. By going through the radiation and the frequencies of the old 4D, recognizing and experiencing the ungroundedness of your being, you are creating a new immunity, where you are no longer susceptible to the negative impact of this radiation.

Creating body feeling and your presence in the here-and-now, transforms the radiation, and the Earth has also entered her orbit to move through these toxic frequencies. This is important. These frequencies already existed in a 4D vacuum; it's just a frequency level of ourselves, only now it is activated. Through embodiment and love, you and the Earth are releasing these frequencies again, putting the self-healing capacity into effect at all levels.

The F of Fukushima is a 6, coinciding with the 6D geometric pattern for the Earth. The geometry is the link between Source and taking form in matter. Fukushima also has 6 central nuclear reactors. Fukushima invites you to enter your physical body to create immunity to external radiation and dualistic patterns, and geometries. Fukushima is the code where you actually descend into your body, taking responsibility for all the pieces where you don’t feel your body and divine presence yet. You are being asked to scrutinize this 'problem'. We can set our divine responsibility as human beings, in all love.

In 2014 we are entering the 4th dimension viscerally; Source is a conscious part of the underworld herein, also known as the emotional world. This means that in this very year, we are creating a healing power for everything that Fukushima touches within each if us. We are moving through it, embracing and recognizing the external forces that are keeping us out of our bodies as our own, to be present in your body more than ever.
2014 starts well ...

This happened on January 9, 2014

Many thousands of people from the Benelux and all over the world, joined in a meditation to induce an energetic breakthrough. The 9-dimensional, eternal vibration of the Galactic Center was participating to open the Fukushima code, to generate an overarching planetary healing power in 2014. You might say we have installed a light microscope at Fukushima, so that all codes and levels of consciousness that are present there (Akasha), can be read and traced as parts of our multi-dimensional selves. When we recognize it from the core, immunity arises. That’s how consciousness works.

On a larger scale, the healing power, the healing potential of the center of our Milky Way, has been activated in the vortex point that represents Fukushima. The eternal spiral of the Milky Way activated the natural self-healing ability of ourselves and the Earth, and gave it a loving boost. When the "Divine Eye'' from the center of the Milky Way participates, it becomes part of our individual and collective body, from the core. Everything will participate in the field of consciousness, in order to channel the energy in a proper manner.

The feminine (1) and masculine (2) worlds only exist when the 12 rays flow from our physical bodies. (God spark, 13-fold consciousness). 12 is the encoding of the union of humanity. We have activated 12 times 12. Each ray reflected itself through the 12, via 12 crystals, placing the formula of 144 crystals in Fukushima. All 12 rays also include a 9-dimensional part, shedding light on all that is and ending all duality. It is the activation of the reality of Eternity and LIFE. The 144 crystals also symbolize a 9 (Galactic Alignment). The 144 crystals symbolize that LIFE has been activated in Fukushima. It now stands in the pure all-seeing eye (the non-dual version) from the center of the Milky Way. It is our choice to master an individual and global pattern, where we have given away our divine power. This year, we will be living from the deepest physical part, where the spark of God, the soul, lives. We are moving through the 4th dimension, where humanity is together in UNITY. 24 crystals have been placed in each reactor, 6 reactors x 24 = 144 = 9. The number 24 also signifies the blueprint of the 4th dimensional reality. This is the point where the Divinity consciously makes a breakthrough within us. 24 is also 2 x 12, the masculine and feminine provides the union through each reactor. It creates an inner and global geometric pattern of union.

Next week on 16-01-2014, this choice will be recognized and accepted by our inner Goddess, also through our bodies. The 9th energy flows through. 9x16 = 144 again. On the 16th, our body code will join in, which will awaken the code of immunity worldwide. It is the freedom of our physical body. The code will then be present and flowing, but it has to be entirely examined, of course, and this takes time. It’s about a worldwide choice, that your body is your body, recognized by yourself as a free, loving entity. From there, we can begin to create and be in unity, as within so without. Besides your own recognition and empowerment, it will also send a signal to the New World Order that the message is understood, and HUMANITY now stands alone. It’s the temple of your unique expression. It opens an essential, opening of body awareness, where your COMPLETENESS is present. The space for this choice, this activation, has been created. I wish everyone good luck and have fun. It's your freedom, your right of existence, your right of life right top-notch! Remember who you are, divine human!

If it feels good to you, please share this message with as many people possible. There will be another message announcing the meditation of Thursday January 16, 2014 .
Thank you, dears.

God bless you, Namaste,

Nanco Immanuël
Galactic Heart Centre

Translation: Ulla Mertens

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