Monday, May 12, 2014

Monthly Weather Report - May - Children of Light

Monthly Weather Report (May - Aug, 2014)

Dearly beloved Children of Light, as you know we are called Gabriel and as always we are most joyous to be in your divine presence.
We come to speak to you today about the NEXT four months of 2014.
It will be a time of much change, and to the wounded self it may seem like upheaval. It will be a time when you must apply the tools that you have learned in the first four months, processing your feeling or emotional energy.
This will be a time of helping you evaluate where you are emotionally and where you need to deepen your process of nurturing and resolution, as well as where you stand in your relationships, starting with Self. It is a time when you cannot afford to remain in the habitual.

This is a time when much will begin to change on your planet. And you likely know at this stage that the ego defense does not like change nor does it embrace change typically.
Change is a vital energy or force that allows you to grow and evolve and improve and enhance your lives. However, it is also a challenge to the subconscious, which is frozen in a habitual “comfort zone,” which is much like a tape loop, as the channel likes to call it.

It will be a time for those habitual loops to be challenged. The goal is to become so neutral and flexible that you allow accelerated change and work with the energy of change to actually CREATE in your lives.
How can you be a creator without the ability to inspire change... We suggest that moving towards the things you want to create or manifest automatically implies change!

This is a time when you will need to have a specific VISION that you continue to enforce and move towards. Having a VISION will help you remain in choices that are proactive, so that you can adjust the choices that are merely habitual, but no longer working or flowing on your planet.
Creating a VISION will inspire you to more easily become a proactive part of the Divine Plan’s “dance of life,” as it lets go of one stage of its experience and prepares to move into another depth of life unfolding. This is the opportunity of this time.

May will be a time when you will need to show up and practice what you have been learning in the first four months.
Did you discover what is aligned with your sense of truth? Did you discover what inspires you with a depth of meaning and value, revealed through your individual feelings and experience? And just as important, did you discover what feelings tend to shut you down or put you “out of sorts?”
These first four months were a time of preparation for change. And we hope that you have taken advantage of that time. We come to give you clues for further preparing yourselves or setting yourselves up for lives of true meaning and value. 

In those months we encouraged you into choices that would deepen INSPIRATION, REVELATION, EXPRESSION and EXPERIENCE as you faced and processed more wounded feelings... so they are not perceived as threatening to you as emotionally empowered adults.
If you do not do your inner preparation work, you will not be able to move as deeply into the unfoldment of this time of ascension or soul rising. You see, the soul can only come into awareness and integration through the healed emotional body. It will not happen through magical thinking or without your PROACTIVE PARTICIPATION.
If you do nothing and simply hope for “rescue” from the wounded set ups of your lives, you will be sorely disappointed. You will merely find yourself continually stuck in the old patterns of the subconscious... a survival approach of opposition and friction with the unfolding energies of life, stuck in the limitations of gratification and separation that you have known for so long.

This will no longer serve in what is transpiring in the Divine Plan.
And so we hope you have begun to practice the tools we have passed on in recent lectures. If not, you need to go back and do your homework and begin to proactively respond.
MAY is a time for you to become proactive in your developing vision and priorities. It is actually a time to practice the choices required to move into the EXPERIENCE of your visions.
You see, the inner motivation of your vision and priorities is a part of the INSPIRATION and REVELATION of your deeper truth of Self, which is attempting to guide you into particular expressions and experiences of life that are pleasing and natural to you. 

For instance, if you are interested in race car driving, this is because the arena of race car driving will inspire or at least encourage a particular kind of experience. It is not the race cars that matter. it is the expression and deepening of Self and what you will negotiate and integrate in life that really matters, as you learn to be true to your particular interests.
It simply requires that you get to know yourselves authentically and then focus on and invest in your specific goals, interests and visions. This is what inspires you most authentically to show up fully and invest IN life, based on the truth of your individuality.

Do you see how perfectly it is all set up? The Divine Plan of Life gives each one of you, each sacred individuals, the INSPIRATION to move towards the development of your truth, your individuality, the development of your talents and interests. This is how each one of you can align with the unfolding Divine Plan in perfect ways.
Through most of the earlier stages, you have instead been stuck in wounded feelings of unworthiness, based on the set up of your life challenges for a particular lifetime. Those challenges were a part of the perfect support of the Divine, but have kept most people in the myth of “victim” consciousness, not knowing HOW to trust that the Divine actually wants you to be fulfilled in what is most true for you. It has been about a wounded child trying to please the limitations of other wounded beings and systems instead.

What you will discover as you begin to consider this new perspective is that by aligning with your own visions, you will also be led into CONNECTIONS with other individuals who have chosen to learn WITH you, face lessons WITH you and resolve old issues WITH you. Similar souls in similar lessons and opportunities.
This is all a grand part of the healing of the 2nd chakra and the emotional body that you are focused on in 2014.
As more and more individuals allow this process, you keep each other in INSPIRATION, to continue forward as the old systems of the world that have been ruled by fear and wounded narcissism begin to reveal the wounded gaps that can no longer sustain them. 

Most of your old world systems have been created out of some fear and control of the lower self. Many of them have been created to keep you in a form of hierarchal limitation, where the survival of the fittest mentality perpetuates “have’s and have not’s of your world.
What you may not understand is that in a world that only understands this level of survival consciousness, both the seeming “have’s and have not’s” have ultimately been ruled in fear, with no real sense of Self. This is because the primary focus has been OUTSIDE yourselves, to some one or some thing to somehow be the source of your fulfillment, with little focus and encouragement to know the true Value of Self... that can only be known from a relationship with your INNER Self.

The deeper truth is that your early years were a vital time of setting up the gifts and challenges/lessons of a particular lifetime, no matter what level you have reached as a soul. This is an important element of Divine support, giving you the chance to face and work with your challenges... learning to respond and resolve anything that has kept you in limited truths and experience. This can only be created by learning from and embracing each experience.
It has all been set up with a sense of Divine support and encouragement, whether you have been conscious of that fact or not. Just like the information we have been passing on in recent months is support and encouragement... and requires that you shift your focus and take the time to apply the information EXPERIENTIALLY.

We have purposefully thrown out the four key words that will serve in this time of unfolding... Inspiration, Revelation, Expression and Experience. These are the first four archetypes or realms of experience that will guide you into soul consciousness.
So spend time in May continuing to work on the feelings you have begun to nurture, resolve and re-educate. And add to this your need for a clear VISION about what is truly important to YOU, to inspire and reveal for you some of what is most important to you as an individual. 

Then come together with other individuals, to mutually inspire and encourage one another into the manifestation, expression and experience of your collective visions and dreams. This is a wonderful part of the unfolding Divine Plan, as you also learn to create intimacy and support, connection and trust with one another, beyond separation and fear.
It is in coming together that you truly build the resonance and keep one another inspired to move into a new approach to life. You actually need one another. The deeper truth is that you are interdependent for very clear reasons, encouraging you towards unity and that which serves the good of the WHOLE.
You simply need to show up and do your individual part. Become more self-aware and encourage others to do the same, with compassion and perseverance.

This will be a month when you will also continue to negotiate new movements of energy in the body. For instance in the last month or so, many people have developed lower back issues, as the energies of the 6th chakra (higher will) have begun to burn through the blockages of stress, resistance, protection and defense that have built up around your emotional bodies.
You need to understand that there is NO WAY to escape these energetic movements. That is also the perfection of the Divine Plan. Those of you who have already begun to apply the tools for moving and breaking up emotional blockages KNOW you can use the revelation of pain to express and move these old energies up and out, so that you can move into a neutral EXPERIENCE of flow and ease and health and abundant living!

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