Monday, July 07, 2014

July '14 Energy Update‏ - Hope Van Vleet

Independence Day!

I hope this Friday begins a nice, relaxing holiday weekend for you :)  

Every year around this time I like to check myself, see how free and independent I feel.  Freedom and independence, in energy terms,  is another way to to say healed of egoic fears/limitations.  Am I more free of fears and more independent from limitations that have held me back in the past?  What's really nice is that I can undoubtedly say YES!  I bet you can say the exact same thing ;)

Spiritually, as a collective, we're at a strange place in our development, like a fish out of water.  We're ungrounded or disconnected from the old ways and yet not grounded and connected to the new ways of being yet.  This is why so many of us have strong feelings that something is going to give or change significantly for us, relatively soon.

I'm told that around the half way point of the month, July 16th specifically, there will be another powerful energy shift.  This shift is set to serve as grounding and reconnecting us to even higher energies.  

One thing we know to expect as we process these energetic shifts are physical/mental/emotional clearing and healing.  We're very familiar with the symptoms and they'll probably make themselves known as we move through the 16th (or not, fingers crossed ;)  

Another thing we know is that earthly life also takes a leap forward.  What we're working on jumps forward, the healing we're processing jumps forward.  

We can expect our earthly lives to move forward in how we're grounded, alleviating feelings of being a fish out of water, or stuck between the ending and the beginning. This might show up as inspiration or motivation to move forward, a project taking off, a new job you've been wanting.  A new beginning.  Anything that felt stuck loosening up for you. 

A practical energetic tool you can use to help this process is practicing letting go on any level you feel inspired:
physical level: clearing out the closet, letting go of unused or unwanted items, clearing clutter.
emotional level: practicing meditative tools to help you let go of emotional toxins.
mental level: discipline in focusing on thoughts that benefit yourself and those around you, letting go of judgements. 
spiritual level: paying greater attention and taking action on what your increased sense of intuition is telling you.

So many of us are tired and beyond tired.  People often ask me 'When is this going to be over already!?' A great question and I wish I could say tomorrow ;)  But the truth is it's over when it's over.  
It's important to keep in mind that so many of us are healers or natural servants, always taking care of others in some form.  For us, the healing of ourselves was never the ending but the beginning of a higher level of service where we help others heal as well.  As there is still much healing needed, we'll be in some form of a healing process...until we're not.
Happy Independence to You!

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