Saturday, August 29, 2015

Today's Supermoon in Pisces opens Eclipse Portal

by Carol Ann Ciocco

August 29. 2015 / A portal opens now. From AUGUST 29, 2015 - OCTOBER 27, 2015
we will experience a Triple Play of Supermoons, including a very important Total Lunar Eclipse on September 27, 2015, the peak of the portal.

The portal begins today with the Full Moon coming up in about an hour (at 2:36pm EDT). This Full Moon is a Supermoon, which is simply a way of saying that it is closer to the Earth than other Full Moons. 

Since the Moon rules the tides, a closer moon causes more intense rising of the tidal waters. 

Since water is associated with emotions, our emotions run higher as well. 

This Full Moon is in the sign of Pisces (with the Sun in Virgo).

Pisces is water-water-everywhere. It is always an oceanic experience. Lost at sea, either in bliss or in madness. Overwhelmed by helpless emotion, or quenched with the sweetest inner peace.

And so we have a tsunami of emotional energy here.

Supermoon in Pisces brings us a golden opportunity to wash ourselves clean of all doubt, regret, fear and resentment. 

It may feel like you are drowning. You may not know exactly what is going on - and you don't need to. Spirit knows what it is doing, even if it's not clear to us.

The Sun in Virgo reveals the solution to the nebulous and confusing energy that the Supermoon in Pisces brings:

Put your feet on the Earth, touch base with dry land
Do your chores. Take comfort in routine, in ritual, in solitude, and in simplicity.

And keep in mind that the Moon is simply a transmitter of the Solar energy to Earth, 

So allow the golden solar energy to Illuminate all.

If you are underwater, turn on your headlamp and swim toward the Sun. 

Let the Light of Your Soul be your Guide.

The key thing to know about today's Supermoon: 

It is the first in a Triple play of Supermoons. 

The next one will be at the Total Lunar Eclipse (the last of a group of four, or Tetrad) on September 27, 2015. 

The last one will be the Full Moon in Taurus (Sun in Scorpio) on October 27, 2015.

So a significant energetic portal opens today. 

It revolves around The Tetrad Total Lunar Eclipse (TLE) on September 27. That day is quite significant. 

Indeed, the TLE is a Supermoon. It is, in fact, the closest moon of 2015. And it is also the Harvest Moon. 

Much hinges on that particular day. Right now we are building to it.

We are entering the harvest now, and we will be harvesting what we sowed back in March. But this is less about our physical harvest, and more about our internal and especially our spiritual harvest.

Allow today's Supermoon to wash the mud off of your harvest material, separating the wheat from the chaff. 

What you want to look for here is: how has your fundamental experience with Spirit changed? Are you more in touch with your Soul than you were last Spring? Are certain areas of your life in a totally new space than they were back then? 

The key focus is: are you punishing yourself? Are you persecuting yourself? Are you judging or being harshly critical of yourself? 

Assume the Observer viewpoint: allow your Higher Self to gaze upon your 'lower' self (the one who is down here doin' all the hard work:) and see how much you have progressed, not how much farther you have to go. 

What Would Spirit Say about you? In Spirit's eyes, it doesn't matter if you do nothing ever or if you progress never, you are Loved just because you Exist. This is your harvest now.

In March 2015 you made a dimensional change in your consciousness which could be traced to its origins back to 2012. 

This shift actually happened gradually. 

Even the 2012 origin can be traced back further, to 2010, to 2008, to 2003, to 1999, to 1996, to 1992 and to 1987. ... It can even be traced back to 1967

This is an evolutionary wave that has been sweeping Humanity foreword quickly and powerfully.

Each of the significant years, and all the years in-between, contained pings from astrological or energetic events. 

And each year, each event, each month and each day, was a stepping stone. 

Do you see that we are on a long staircase? 

Where are we headed? Toward a continuing, burgeoning global spiritual awakening. Think: 2017, 2020, 2024, 2040 and 2045.

See the big picture.

September 2015 is a big month

And remember: it is a cumulative effect and it has a trajectory.

The higher up the mountain, the narrower the path. 

Right now we are grounding and integrating the huge shift of 2012 which finally fully arrived on March 16-21, 2015.

We are creating a sacred space within ourselves, and in the world, to SEAT that very high-vibrational energy. 

The Supermoons help us purge. 

The Tetrad Total Lunar Eclipse helps us to seal and reveal.

Keep climbing... More to come...

If you want to focus in on how this is affecting you personally, see below.

Blessings from
Carol  ~ Carol Ann Ciocco
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