Monday, September 19, 2011

Possible or Impossible? - Jennifer Hoffman

Read the September 2011 message here             

As we explore our life purpose, which is our soul-based reason for each lifetime, we have opportunities to explore our life from a new and different perspective. Our purpose challenges us to experience life from the point of our need for healing (which is our life purpose) and to do things differently. These are opportunities to transform fear into love, to alter lifetimes of powerlessness into claiming our power, to turn sadness into joy and pain into peace. To do this we must change what we think is 'impossible' into new avenues of self expression.

Our life purpose moves from potential to possibility to action. First we look at the potential that is available to us and figure out its possibility. Can we do or have that? Is it something we can create? If we can move beyond these questions then we have to answer the big question of 'how' because in the gap from possible to reality lies the 'impossible'. And it's scary because our possibilities challenge us to be more than we are at that moment, they bring our fears to the surface and transformation is possible when we change what we have always done and step into the unknown of what is possible.

What we see as 'impossible' is really saying 'I am possible' to us because if it were not part of our field of potential and our healing journey, we would be aware of it. The field of potential contains all of the possibilities that are available to us in any lifetime (you can read about this in Ascending into Miracles) but in order to connect to any possibility, we have to know that it is a new path that is asking us to empower it. We cross the 'impossible' gap by using our power to create this as our new life purpose.

Each lifetime is our soul's journey into healing and wholeness, to recapture the scattered and lost parts of our energy into self-affirming joy, peace, love and abundance. The fulfillment of our potential lies in our ability to see ourselves as powerful and to know that the impossible is merely our soul drawing our attention to the 'I AM possible' for the next phase of our journey. When we see the impossible as a doorway guiding us to a new aspect of our purpose, letting us know that we have completed an aspect of our journey, we can embrace the possibility of our potential and know that with courage, faith and trust, it will become our new reality.

It's Equinox Time Again -- Finding Balance in Being
It's hard to believe that it's September and we are entering a new energetic phase as we approach the end of 2011. Since the Spring Equinox in March we've experienced so many changes and have endured big energy downloads, high solar activity, record heat and rain, floods, earthquakes - all while we approach the end of the Mayan calendar (which actually ends on October 28, 2011) and 2012, a time many think heralds the end of the world (it doesn't). The Equinox is the earth's reminder that balance is part of the natural cycles of life and it's time to integrate our growth and align ourselves with what we have learned.

The Equinox happens twice a year and is the day where light and dark are balanced. After that, for those of us in the northern hemisphere, we will have increasingly shorter days as winter approaches, calling us to go within and re-assess, re-align, re-consider, re-view and rest. The Equinox is about balance and alignment, taking time to integrate what we have learned before we move on to new things. If we do that we are more prepared for the next phase of our life but how do we answer the call for balance when everything around us is changing and while we may want to be balanced but that requires a stable, fixed center point.

As I write this I'm envisioning a cartoon drawing I once saw, of a circus elephant juggling balls with its trunk while balancing on one leg on a little ball. That is what this period feels like to me because our center, that which we know as truth, has been progressively shrinking as we have had to release so much from our lives. But what we will end up with is the only truth we need to know, the truth which allows to find balance in our being, to find peace, love and joy in ourselves and then in our life. This is our I AM presence, the light within, the only place of true balance and the center of our being.

The days are getting shorter, time is moving faster, our transformation is calling to us and we have no choice but to answer now. The distractions are gone, the truth has been revealed and it's now time to find our truth, find our I AM presence, so we can live a life that is joy-ful. This is our purpose, to live in joy and everything that stands in the way of that is an energy we will clear. We can be grateful to the earth for reminding us, in our busy and self-focused lives, that it is the Self that matters and all of our pain, fear and doubt are part of our imbalance that we will resolve when we use the time we are given to find balance in our being so we can live the life we are here to live, which is the life that reflects our heaven on earth.

You attract according to how you value yourself. From its first lesson 'You are powerful' to the last, 'Recognizing Your Miracles', the 30 Days to Everyday Miracles book and the Miracle Mastery program helps you create a powerful value statement for your life. Find out more by clicking here and reading about how you can create your miraculous life. 

Uriel's Message -- You Are Always In Love

with Archangel Uriel offer healing, clarity, amazing insights and more. Click here for more details and to schedule a reading.         
Love surrounds you, it is all around you, permeating everything in the Universe. You are love, it is you and you are always in love. This is not the emotional love your ego seeks, which it needs as a constant reminder that it is worthy of love. This is love's highest octave, the love that is and can only be felt in the highest heart chakra, the love that heals and does not need healing, the love that loves and does not need loving, the love that is joyful but does not need joy. It is the love you are always in, no matter what your situation or circumstance, it surrounds you at all times because it is the fiber of the Universe.

This love does not involve partners, relationships or the emotions surrounding them. What you experience as love in those situations is a reflection of your need for validation of spiritual love on the material plane. You seek love from the ego and ignore the love that is around you because you do not have another person in your life who reflects love to you. In the human journey for love, you know you have love and are loved when another loves you. In the spiritual journey of love, you know you are loved because you are love, love is all around you and you are always in the energy of love.

Being loved and being in love are different aspects of this principle. The state of being in love is how you acknowledge that you are always in the energy of love. There are two aspects to being in love, one is spiritual and energy based, the other is material and emotional. Being in love from your spirit simply requires that you acknowledge the love that is around you, this is the love that you are from and that is within you as your divine light. Being in love from the ego means that the world must prove that you are loved, whether that means having a loving relationship, being loved by friends and family, or being valued and appreciated for who you are and what you do. All of these share one characteristic, they are part of your outer world and all it can do is mirror your inner state of being in love back to you.

When you look to the outer world to validate your inner needs, you are often dissatisfied with the results because the outer reality cannot be more than the inner being. Whatever you are on the inside is always reflected in your reality, in the people and situations that are part of your inner journey. Facing the world each day, knowing that you are love and are always in love creates the resonance that will allow love to unfold for you, in every relationship, with each step of your journey. To be love is to know love; to be in love is to have love and to be living within the presence and comfort of unconditional love is to know heaven on earth.

I received many comments on last week's Indigo article. It was interesting to hear from Indigo children who explained their reasons for rejecting their parents and many of them had to do with, as I wrote, needing to find their own way. Some felt stifled by their parents' concerns, others felt that their parents wanted things for them that they did not want for themselves. Some felt misunderstood and unappreciated and still others had specific issues with their parents that they needed time and distance to resolve for themselves. And some parents wrote in defense of themselves, so the article obviously touched some powerful chords and resonated with many of you.

Indigos can feel misunderstood, so if they seek validation from their parents and don't get it, they think they are rejected for who they are. Some will suffer in silence, others will be more active and vocal. Our children feel the same need to leave the home where they feel stifled and misunderstood that some of us did when we were young. Some older Indigos tried to live the life their parents wanted for them and after decades of unhappiness found the courage to change their life path and do what was meaningful to them. But the central issue is how we separate because there are several ways to do this.

A 'scorched earth' policy, or complete disconnection is one way to show your parents you can live your own life and while that is a possibility, it doesn't serve anyone. I tried this with my parents when I was younger and it constantly pulled at me, eventually bringing me back to face them and my issues. Separation is another, more helpful alternative which requires that we acknowledge our parents as our spiritual teachers, because they are, and finding our own path that builds on the lessons they taught us while being open to new understanding. We can ignore our parents but they are part of our soul family and we can't ignore the fact that they are part of our emotional and spiritual DNA.

But the bigger picture here has to do with how we allow others' choices to affect us. One of my children has disconnected from me and while it makes me sad, I know it is their choice and we will be reconnected one day. I wish we could talk about it but that's not what they have chosen to do. In the meantime, I am living my life, wishing them the best and knowing that they will make the right and best choices for them. Whatever you, either as a child or a parent, decide to do, it's best if that choice is made in the light of acceptance of them and of your path, rather than rejecting your spiritual and emotional history and hoping that this will change your life, because it won't and eventually your choice will be resolution and reconnection in powerful, loving ways that serve you and honor your path and your soul's growth.

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