Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Power of Potential - Jennifer Hoffman

Every one of us has the potential to be in a loving relationship with a partner who loves, honors and respects us. We have the potential to enjoy a financially rewarding career doing work that makes our heart sing. We also have the potential to be confident, fulfilled, move forward with clarity on each step of our life path and to look forward to each day of our life with joyful anticipation. If that is not happening for you, it's because you are aware of the power of your potential but you are not in your potential.

Our potential is there for us but it exists as a possibility, one of many paths that we can choose. And that's the sticky word, 'choose'. We can be, do and have everything we want but too often we look at the possibility of our potential and can't find the energy to empower it. We get stuck in our beliefs about the past, are paralyzed by our fears, we listen to our inner (and outer) critics and think that other people can do those things, but not us.

It takes courage to step into our potential because that means leaving the security and relative peace of our comfort zone. Just because it's called a 'comfort zone' doesn't mean it's comfortable, it just means that it's what we know, where we feel powerful (even if that's a place where we are totally powerless) and not going to create change in our life. But it is in our willingness to embrace change, to allow a new paradigm to become part of our reality, where we know the power of our potential.

Embracing our potential means inviting new possibilities and sometimes that is the life transforming, up-ending change that takes us from what we know to new and unfamiliar territory. Are we up to it? If we listen to our voices from the past, we aren't. But if we listen to our heart's call for joy and our soul's reminder that we are powerful, unlimited and worthy of all of the good and wonderful things we can imagine for our life, then we are. And while we explore the edges of our potential, wondering whether we have the courage to step into it, we can remember that we are divinely supported, connected, blessed and protected, every step of the way.

What Was I Thinking?

I did something last weekend that was not the smartest thing I have ever done but it taught me an important lesson. In a frenzy of house cleaning I decided that my TV armoire should go downstairs, to be used to store crafts items. It was taking too much space in my living room and a smaller TV stand would look better. So after calling a few neighbors who were not at home, I maneuvered the TV armoire to the basement stairs, laid it on its side, got in front of it and started guiding it down the stairs.

Now the armoire weighs around 80 pounds to my 120. You can imagine what happened next. At first everything went according to plan and I was gently guiding the armoire down the stairs. But once it was fully on the stairs it gained momentum, pushing me down the stairs and into the wall. Fortunately, it got stuck on the stairs and didn't come crashing into me. A bump on the head and a bruised leg were my only injuries. And of course, there is a big hole in the wall where I hit it.

I was lucky and had some angelic protection because it could have been much worse. When I told a few friends what had happened their first response was not to say that this was a really silly thing to do (which I would have understood). Instead they said 'why didn't you call me for help?' My handyman, who came over to fix the hole in the wall, asked me what I was thinking as it was something he would not have done and he's twice my weight and much stronger. As an independent woman I like knowing that I can do almost anything by myself, and I can. But I don't always stop to ask whether that is the best option.

After going through a period of my life where I couldn't move, as I was paralyzed as a child, being able to do things by myself is important to me. So I am the last one to ask for help but I could make my life easier if I did. Whether asking for help from the spiritual or material world, friends are always wiling to lend a hand if we ask them. It's not a sign of weakness or incompetence, it's an acknowledgement that two heads can be better than one and sometimes they can point out the flaws in the plan you think is the greatest thing in the world and come up with a solution that doesn't hurt you, the walls or furniture and accomplishes something with grace and ease.

You attract according to how you value yourself. From its first lesson 'You are powerful' to the last, 'Recognizing Your Miracles', the 30 Days to Everyday Miracles book and the Miracle Mastery program helps you create a powerful value statement for your life. Find out more by clicking here and reading about how you can create your miraculous life.

Uriel's Message -- Honor Your Life Today

Readings with Archangel Uriel offer healing, clarity, amazing insights and more. Click here for more details and to schedule a reading.
The life you live today, the reality you have created, is the only one you can have. It reflects your energetic vibrations, history, beliefs and intention. When you judge your life based on the past or a future that has not yet occurred, you dishonor yourself and de-value the reality you have created. The way you create your life, from moment to moment, is as you have allowed it to be, whether your allowing is conscious or unconscious. The Universe does not consider whether you are choosing consciously from your highest intention or unconsciously choosing from fear and habit, it simply honors you and your choices. So to honor your life is also to honor the Universe and your partnership with it.

There are no other options for you other than those you chose but by honoring your life today, you allow all aspects of your journey to unfold in new ways because it is through your life and the reality you create that you are able to view the manifestation of your energetic vibrations. Unless they take form in the third dimension they are hidden to you, so it is through form that you are able to see and know where you are on your journey. Imagine your life as an image that you can alter through your will, because it is no more than that. Your life details are not as important as the learning and healing journey that they are part of.

You become stuck in the details, judging and criticizing yourselves for what you feel are mistakes in choices when the details are tiny steps on your soul's path. Each step is important but with your judgment you have a very small perspective of yourself as a divine being. When you see yourself in the fullness and wholeness of your spirit, in the infinite greatness of your soul, then each step takes on a different meaning and you can honor your life as it represents your soul path and the learning that is part of your ascension.

Honor each aspect of your life today, the lessons and teachers, situations and events, the fears and challenges because they are no more than energetic aspects of your chosen journey. And when you honor them you know them for what they are and do not empower them beyond their true purpose. They are tools for healing, learning, growth and transformation and when you have completed each step of this process you can release that aspect and allow a new one to take its place. As you honor your life, you honor yourself, your lessons, your path and your divinity. And from this place of honoring who you are and your creation, you allow abundant blessings to flow to you as you stand in the grace of your divinity and your power as a co-creator of your reality.

Have Your Children Rejected You?

Some of the most difficult questions I hear from parents ask when their children will speak to them again because they have not been in communication for months or years. Some children completely reject their parents, without giving reasons or explanation and refuse to have any interaction with them. This is actually happening to me too, with one of my children and it's heartbreaking and difficult but it's also their choice and I need to honor and respect it. And if this is what is happening with your children, this may be your solution too, at least for now.

There are reasons why our children feel that they can reject us and one has to do with the fact that we love them and they know it. They know that eventually they can come back and make amends and our love for them will still be there. The other has to do with their spiritual growth. Since they can see us as powerful and accomplished, even if we don't feel that way, they are afraid that they stand in our shadow and are threatened by our power. Instead of talking to us about it and finding a positive solution, they get rid of the light which they think overshadows them.

Of course that doesn't make us feel any better and it is not the truth, but it is their truth, what they believe and we have to accept and honor it. Instead of feeling sad and rejected, we need to get on with our life and let them move on with theirs. They are not completely gone, just out of the picture for the moment. It is not a very good or powerful way to be but it is what they are capable of. Everyone, including our children, act from the place where they feel most powerful. And sometimes they feel that they can express their power by rejecting us.

And they can also have secret resentments and anger, which is the case with my child, that they do not want to share. In time this will be revealed and a new relationship can begin. Your child's rejection of you is a reflection of their opinion of themselves, not their opinion of you. And one day they will call or write as though nothing happened and you can have a relationship with them again. Please make sure they understand that rejection is not an acceptable behavior and that they cannot hurt you, just because they know you love them, and expect you to take it with a smile. Setting boundaries for behavior is just as important when they're 2 as when they're 32. So accept their choice, move on in spite of your heartbreak, create your joyful life and when they're ready, they will be knocking on your door again, wanting to reconnect.

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