Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Path and Art of Being - Jennifer Hoffman

The Path and Art of Being

If someone asks us who we are we often respond with a description of what we do-we're an artist, writer, musician, teacher, parent, counselor, etc. It's very hard, if not impossible, to describe ourselves without including something about what we do in the world because this is how people can connect to and understand us. It's also how we connect with and understand ourselves because we know ourselves as humans by what we do. Imagine someone's reaction if we said "I'm a divine spiritual being having a human experience." While that is what we are, in the material world it doesn't say a whole lot. In the 3D world what we do describes who we are but there is a way to arrive at a state of balance and integrity, becoming wholly ourselves.

The way we merge our human and spiritual natures is to combine our being and doing in a way that allows our being to lead what we do so that what we do is perfectly aligned with our being. There are two aspects to this process that we often miss and that's why so often we do what enables us to survive, while we wish we were doing something else. I see this often with clients who have a 'day job' that provides for their material needs and they're preparing for the day when they can leave that job and do their 'real' work. They feel out of balance, incomplete and afraid because they believe they are not living their purpose and not using their gifts.

The first aspect of the path and art of being is joy. If we are out of balance, we aren't happy and our life is a joyless cycle of doing where we are allowing everything but trust, faith and love to guide our choices. The second aspect of 'being' is wholeness, which occurs when our being and doing are aligned. When we are in a state of wholeness, we feel complete, we are happy and we have money, time, energy, love and more. Our life is rewarding, fun and we do what we love and we love what we do.

To create the transformation that allows this state of wholeness and alignment to occur we must be willing to ask ourselves one simple question, 'Does this bring me joy?' If the answer is 'no' then we must be willing to allow change to occur so that we are in joy in every aspect of our life. We may have to change how we think about ourselves, our life, how we fulfill our purpose and what level of joy we are willing to have. If we can allow ourselves to be fully and completely in joy in all things, then we have found the secret to life, we can be fully connected to ourselves, and our divinity and humanity (our being and doing) will be fully aligned in our being and doing and only those things that bring us joy will be part of our reality.

This week's energy work: Make a list of everything that you do in your life. For each thing you write, ask whether it brings you joy. If the answer is 'yes', continue with it. If not, what level of transformation will bring you to a state of joy for that thing? Be honest with yourself because when you are willing to allow joy into your life, you will create the transformation that brings you to a state of perfect alignment and wholeness.

The Enlightening Life radio show
The next Enlightening Life radio show will be Wednesday, December 28, 2011, at 8PM Central time on Blog Talk Radio. We will discuss the newsletter and readings are available to callers, dial 718-664-6504. Click here for show details.

Previous episodes are now on Itunes. Click here to access.

Inching Along at Warp Speed

Can you feel the energy building as we approach 2012? It feels like a dam that's ready to burst as the momentum that is leading to our transformation builds. At this point we're ready to leap into the new earth, to release the burdens we have been carrying for so long and are looking forward to a life of greater grace and ease. Just as we think we have arrived, another issue pops up to remind us that even at higher vibrations, we will move forward in the same way we always have, one step at a time. It feels like we're inching along but in reality the energy movement is so fast that we are unaware of the changes that are happening within and around us.

When we look forward to changes, even good, positive and helpful ones, we are in danger of living in the future and the lesson of our new energies is that there is no future, there is only the present and, if we choose to make it part of our reality, the past. Can we learn to live in an unfolding reality where we don't know what is going to happen next? Can we be in such a state of trust that we can set an intention and then allow the Universe to participate in its creation? Can we release our need to be in control and learn to surrender to the process?

We are currently moving so quickly that we appear to be standing still because as soon as we realize that there is a different reality available to us we are stepping into it, then we create the next one and the next. Each new realization and understanding allows new realities to open up for us but they aren't permanent because we're still releasing old energies, karma and belief systems. What appears to be real is no longer relevant, what we want to be real for us is the new reality and that can change in each moment, with each shift in our energetic vibration.

As we take quantum leaps into these new understandings we are also undergoing multi-dimensional shifts which appear to stop the flow of energy. But as we move into a new vibration, our range of possibilities changes, we are invited to release what doesn't fit in that range and look for what we can align with. We also choose whether we want that reality or not and no longer have to step into it to make that choice. Think of it as a cosmic window shopping experience, where we are assessing what's available before we decide what we want to buy. We don't have to decide yet, just practice setting our intention and seeing what comes up. The existence of unlimited potential is something we have to learn to accept and we are simply being presented with an opportunity to test drive our power. When what we can and want to be aligned with presents itself, it will flow into our lives with grace and ease and we will know it's right because it will bring us peace and joy in that moment, until it's time for a new level of transformation.

You attract according to how you value yourself. From its first lesson 'You are powerful' to the last, 'Recognizing Your Miracles', the 30 Days to Everyday Miracles book and the Miracle Mastery program helps you create a powerful value statement for your life. Find out more by clicking here and reading about how you can create your miraculous life.

Uriel's Message -- You Do Your Best in All Things

Readings with Archangel Uriel offer healing, clarity, amazing insights and more. Click here for more details and to schedule a reading.

The present moment is more than the moment in which you are aware of yourself in your reality, it is also the total of all moments before it and the beginning of the next moment. In each moment you bring in the energies of all lifetimes, the knowing of all experiences and the highest energetic vibration that you can be at in that moment. In each moment you are the best that you can be, you do the most that you are capable of and you are at the only energetic vibration you can be at. When you feel you can do more, it is because you have connected with a different vibration whose potential is inviting you to step into transformation.

This does not make any part of your reality wrong, it simply means that you have completed your learning at that vibration, all understanding has been achieved and the experiences it holds for you have been fulfilled. The doorway to new realities often opens before the one to your existing reality has closed. So a new vibrational awareness becomes available before you have left the one you are in. Being in two different energetic levels is confusing as each pulls you in a different direction. The old energy pulls you into the past, which is known and predictable, the new one compels you to explore an unknown future. Which will you choose?

At any level of energetic vibration, what you do is what you are capable of because each level has its own lessons and learning, experience, potential, possibilities and realities. You bring all of your learning into each vibrational experience and this allows you to become the fulfillment of that experience, according to your soul's desire for healing. The divine perfection of each experience is related to your individual perfection, which is aligned with your learning, healing and transformation. There is no other path available to you. This is your experience, you do your best as you accomplish your own learning and healing. Seeking to copy others or achieve their results is not possible because your best is all you can do.

The best you can do is between you and Source; there is no expectation or desired result, all learning is done in accordance with your soul's contract, the healing path you have chosen in each lifetime and the total of all lifetime experiences. Transformation is simply a step into a new vibrational energy, a step into either the direction of karma or creation, in which you embrace past or future, according to your abilities. The potential of each moment awaits you as you choose according to your abilities and knowing. See each moment as a doorway that invites you to experience your divinity and as you embrace new potentials, an opportunity to move farther into your own heaven on earth.

Wild Crystal Men

(This is a reprint of one of one of my favorite and most popular Indigo/Crystal series articles-- I hope you enjoy it)

Of all of the members of the generations that have brought Indigo and Crystal energy into the world, it is the adult Crystal Men who have probably had the most difficult challenges. Like other adult Indigos, they are also in their 40s and beyond and have struggled with their energy most of their lives. The biggest challenge for adult Crystal men was to bring in a gentler aspect of male energy to the world which expected them to continue the energies of domination and control that have been part of the male energies since the beginning of time.

These highly sensitive, gentle and kind souls were to bring compassion, empathy and feeling back to the male energy which had become distorted through centuries of focusing on power, domination and control. Many tried to change their soul group energies by joining highly dysfunctional, aggressive and control-oriented families. Others chose to use music, art and writing as their vehicles for change. And others embodied physical illness and disease to create compassion.

Because adult Crystal men embodied compassionate, feeling energy that has been considered as belonging to females, they found themselves in a space that was undefined and very misunderstood. No one was ready to become or to accept a more 'feminine' male energy and this created a great deal of confusion. So the Crystals receded, as they tend to, to protect themselves, ready to wait until the time was right for them. Some became reclusive and others escaped into a highly spiritual existence that ignored the material world. Many of these Crystal men have gender issues and are transgender or homosexual, bringing light and understanding to the concept of 'other' ways to define sexuality.

Now it is time for them to come out of their cocoon and step back into the world that needs a new definition for the male energy. The days of male domination and control are over and adult Crystal men can now reconnect to their 'wild' side which means expressing the compassion and creativity that they have withheld for so long. What forms does that take? It can be anything that inspires and motivates them, that brings joy, peace and fulfillment to their lives. While they do not mind working in the background, they need an outlet for their energies that allow them to express their gifts while staying centered in their power. The world is ready for this new male energy and it is up to you to show the world what it is and how to use it in powerful ways.

Read about Indigos & Crystals

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