Monday, June 25, 2012

Newsletter June 25 - Jennifer Hoffman

This week's message is the Indigo and Crystal message.

It's now the last week of June and it will definitely be a month we'll remember. In this week we see some direct planetary motion that should start moving the energy in your life. On June 24 we had the Uranus/Pluto square, the first of 7 between now and March 2015. Yes, for the next 3 years we will be experiencing this level of transformation.

Where do you need to allow more joy, healing, peace, love, self awareness, self worth and gratitude in your life? Once you have the desire for change, the information and lessons you need to accomplish it will be there for you. And if you do not yet have the desire, that may be delivered to your door too.

There is a profound difference between being in pain and being ready to heal. You may experience this in your life and you may see it in others. When you are ready to heal, you are also ready to release the pain. But you are not necessarily ready to heal when you are in pain.

It's time to start integrating our learning into our lives. On June 24 we were 'rebooted' (did you lose an hour or two, take a nap or feel very disconnected?) and new paradigms are now available. To access them, you have to integrate and align with what you have learned, accompanied by a desire to change. It seems like a lot to do but if you even have a slight idea of what I'm talking about, you are already there.

More 'endings' are possible, as they make way for beginnings. So pay attention to the 'endings' that are happening in your life, whether you like or want them or not. We are in a period where alignment is very important and anything that is not aligned with the intentions you have set for yourself will be pushed out of your life.

I will go into more detail on this week's radio show, Wednesday at 8PM US Central time. Click the link on the right to access the archives or the show page.

One of this month's lessons is about finding the courage to be happy, and that begins when we realize we are unhappy. Awareness is the first level of healing. Can we learn to do our healing work with grace and ease? Yes, it's our choice. This period from July to  September is about learning to be happy. Your challenge for this week, align with grace and ease, find areas where you can practice effortlessness and joy.
If you missed a previous message or article, they are available in the Membership section on the website, click here for more details.

Have a wonderful week and I hope you can join me on the Enlightening Life radio show on Wednesday at 8PM US central time, where we discuss the newsletter articles, current topics and I take caller questions. See the link on the right to visit the show page.
Many blessings,
Jennifer Hoffman
Author, Intuitive Mystic, Channel
Your Guide to Masterful Living

As the mother of Indigo children I know how frustrating it can be to get them to accept start their own lives. As talented, powerful, loving and wonderful as they can be, there is a side to them that is frustratingly slow, worrisome, risk-averse and hesitant to move into new situations. And it appears to get worse as they get older until, when they reach their early 20s, they get stuck, unable to move in any direction and, while they won’t share this with you, they are terrified, afraid to take risks even if they know they have the ability to be successful.

This appears to affect most Indigos as they enter early adulthood and it does have its basis in experience as many of them have been bullied, had issues with ADD or other behavioral problems, don’t fit in and don’t always have the time they need to fully process information until they get comfortable with it. They need to know all of the answers, want to make sure they know every detail and still, they hesitate. If they are doing this and are still living at home, not working, with little social life and no ambition, you start to wonder if you are doing something wrong or if something is wrong with them.

This seems to be a natural part of the Indigo growing up process and the period between the ages of 20 and 30 is particularly difficult. During that time they are supposed to have it all together, to know what they want to do and to go after it. They’re told that they should have a job, make money and be at the top of their game and since they are not, this makes them feel worse. Depression then becomes a bigger issue for them, making the problem worse. What they don’t realize is that it only takes one step in the direction that they think is probably the least successful or least possible that will resolve the entire issue.

The Indigo stubborn streak allows them to stay convinced that they can’t do something until they have the proof of success they need to move forward. But the proof comes after they take action, not before and convincing them of that can take a while. And what do we do in the interim? Letting them languish is not an option even though forcing them to act isn’t going to be very helpful either. We can help them explore their options, talk a lot and make them share what they are feeling (these may be one-way conversations at first), without pressuring them to do something. You may have to go with them to explore classes or groups and do that, once they get clear on the path, they will move full speed ahead and launch themselves into their life with confidence.

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