Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2013 Astro Forecast - Allison Rae

2013: Turning of the Tides
Facts & Forecast for the New Year
by Allison Rae

“We are one, after all, you and I.
Together we suffer, together exist, and forever will recreate each other.”
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

We’ve been through a lot in this journey of a lifetime, and there’s much more transformation to come in the new year. The 2012 gateway has brought tears of joy and sadness, a humbling of ego and emergence of the soul as our society is reshaped from the inside out. Who we are and how we act within the context of the evolution of consciousness on Earth is the ultimate test for anyone on a spiritual path. In 2013 it’s time for creativity, ingenuity and absolute transparency.

Why Astrology?
Astrology decodes the cycles of creation and helps us understand the influences affecting us as individuals and collectively over time. Messages encoded at the level of cosmos and the soul can be interpreted astrologically to help us grow in self-awareness, pursue our destiny, uncover hidden talents and align powerfully with life as conscious co-creators.
Today, vast cosmic cycles are coming to an end as new cycles are beginning in a transition period that spans decades, perhaps centuries. The great cycle shift marked by the ancient Mayan calendar and sacred calendars of other traditions signal this turning point in the history of humanity and the Earth.
We live in the crease period between world ages, when flux and chaos are the norm as life on Earth is reconfigured on a massive scale. The process can be exhilarating and enlightening, destructive and debilitating all at once. Patterns and belief systems held deeply in the individual and collective subconscious are crumbling, reforming, and forming again throughout this metamorphosis.
In these times, the path is not easy. But the rewards for faith and perseverance are great. This is the context of my forecast for 2013.
I encourage you to do your own research, listen to your inner guidance and decide what you believe and how to approach the challenges and opportunities you’ll encounter in this volatile year. Especially at the times of planetary alignment, I hope you’ll take a few moments (or more) to align with the potent energies and focus your intent as cycles of creation flow through 2013 and beyond.

~ More Changes ~
~ Chaos and Destruction ~
~ Power Plays ~
~ Reorganization at a Higher Level ~
Since the Grand Fixed Cross Solar Eclipse of 1999 and especially in the past few years, life on Earth has been transforming at an accelerating rate. Throughout the 2012 gateway, we’ve witnessed violence and destruction of nearly incomprehensible magnitude. Apocalyptic changes help us grow as individuals and as a species. Natural disasters, extreme weather related to climate change, acts of human violence against people and the environment have taken an enormous toll. Each devastating event offers the opportunity for us to express love, gratitude, brotherhood and, when needed, solidarity that leads to meaningful change.
At the same time, we’re benefiting more and more from breakthroughs in technology, science and medicine. The human form is reaching new heights of athletic achievement. Spiritual consciousness is expanding in this period of transcendence and rebirth. Creative forces are transforming the arts in exciting ways.
We’ll have more of the same in 2013. This will be another year of reorganization as systems, structures and underlying beliefs are shaken to the core, another year of revealing injustices and imbalances that must be addressed if we’re to evolve as a species. Protests and revolution will continue as the people rise up for change.
For perspective, we can look at the current period in three stages:
Protest2008-2011: Pluto’s entry into Capricorn, followed by Uranus into Aries, initiated a destructive phase targeting systems and institutions ripe for reform. Capricorn rules foundational things like money, business, economies, governments, corporations, social systems and institutions. The global financial crisis began in 2008. A wave of political revolution began sweeping the planet in 2011 as Uranus entered Aries and approached the first exact square with Pluto.
2012-2015: This is the breakdown phase characterized by the long Uranus-Pluto square. Structures and systems are collapsing. The period is marked by chaos, violence and destruction. It’s also a time of innovation, creativity and awakening as a vision for a new society begins to emerge.
2016-2023: Assimilation and reform begin, following the long Uranus-Pluto square. In 2018, Uranus enters Taurus, transiting the sign of the Bull through 2024. Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius in 2023. Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius is the sign of the next 2,000-year astrological age. This futuristic sign calls for the desires of the individual to be harmonized with the needs of the collective. The current Uranus-Pluto square is driving changes today that will allow for a more peaceful, egalitarian society to be built in the future.
What I hope will ultimately emerge beyond this destructive phase is a purified, more refined human presence on Earth. The transformation will take many years. The potential of 2013 is a turning of the tides in this new direction. I pray this potential will be realized.
Here are some themes I see for 2013…
EclipseMixed Blessings: The combative square between Uranus and Pluto that began in 2012 continues (seven exact squares 2012-2015). Jupiter forms a cardinal T-Square with these planetary power houses from August 2013 through April 2014. Saturn will transit lustful Scorpio for another two years or so, Jupiter enters Cancer in late June, and Neptune and Chiron continue their long trek through Pisces, with a Grand Trine in water signs forming in the summer of 2013. All of that watery energy tends to blur the edges of reality, but there’s not much chance we’ll be lulled into complacency. There will be five eclipses this year, three on the Scorpio/Taurus axis, one in Sagittarius/Gemini and one in Aries/Libra. An 11-year solar cycle culminates in 2013, bringing electromagnetic storms and more than a bit of magic to the party. We’re in for a bumpy ride. Expect more upheaval, chaos, breakdown, breakthrough, revelation, revolution, polarization, pragmatism, responsibility, creativity, inspired action, healing and, of course…LOVE.
Forward and Back: In 2013, fixed and cardinal signs dominate with Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio and the transiting lunar nodes (and three of five eclipses) in Scorpio/Taurus. These energies are potentially even more intense and combative than 2012. Revolutionary Uranus (in cardinal Aries, sign of the warrior) is the catalyst and leader. Pluto and Saturn are in mutual reception, each transiting the sign ruled by the other (Pluto rules Scorpio; Saturn rules Capricorn), and they form a sextile to each other. This harmonious aspect facilitates transformation needed for our ongoing evolution, but within the context of the Uranus-Pluto square, changes happen in fits and starts. Uranus ignites the flames of transformation abruptly and unpredictably. Overall, progress may seem slow. The T-square formed by Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto from August 2013 through April 2014 – along with the eclipses in November – suggests this period will see the most intense changes. Cardinal signs initiate. Fixed signs are stubborn and rigid. Conflict is inevitable.
Spirit Morphing: Saturn trines Neptune throughout the year, transforming our philosophical and spiritual framework. Have your deeply held, foundational beliefs been shifting in recent years? Notice how the transformation continues. What will you hold onto philosophically, and what will you discard? A pruning of ideologies is in order, although many will decide to dig in more deeply to dogmatic beliefs rather than flowing with the intended transformation.
Power Play: The overarching theme this year is power – personal and collective. The old is dying away, the new not yet formed. Everything’s up for grabs. This is the terrain of Pluto and Scorpio, both major players in this astrological turn of the wheel, and these effects will be felt through 2015. Watch for power games, power grabs, manipulation and control tactics, especially in the areas of individuality and creativity, sexuality and relationships, politics, economic and social systems, governments, institutions – even spirituality. Notice how you respond and what happens on the world stage. Find ways to step into your authentic power. Don’t attempt to deceive yourself, or others. This is a time for ruthless realism. A certain loss of innocence will accompany this transformation for many.
Ultimately, transformation is possible through death and rebirth, a process symbolized by the phoenix rising from the ashes of its former self. This is the highest, most shamanic expression of Scorpio, and it’s the vision I’m holding against what seem to be steep odds at this juncture. As I write, a young woman in India has slipped from this life, the victim of unthinkable atrocities at the hands of six men who gang raped and beat her on December 16. This happened in a country where people worship the goddess but police and government officials overlook crimes against women. Meanwhile, the world is reeling from the latest in a series of shooting rampages in what should be safe places in the United States – places like schools and temples, shopping centers and movie theaters. So many aspects of our society are ripe for change.
Action is needed, and the cardinal energies of 2013 support reform. Where will you contribute your energy and attention in this new year, the dawn of the next world age?

~ Solar Maximum ~
~ Uranus-Pluto Square ~
~ Saturn in Scorpio ~
~ Grand Water Trine ~
Following are some of the major planetary alignments, transits and other influences of 2013. Astrologically, May and November are the big months. Electromagnetic events related to the culmination of the current 11-year solar cycle present a wild card as far as timing. Scorpio undercurrents combined with the specter of sudden jolts from Uranus and the Sun keep us on edge throughout the year. Creativity thrives in this unstable environment. Open to new ideas and opportunities you hadn’t considered. Stay grounded and alert.

Solar Maximum: An 11-year Sun-Earth cycle culminates in 2013, and if last year’s light shows were any indication, this will be an all-out extravaganza. Experts expect a peak season for solar flares, coronal mass ejections, electromagnetic storms and auroras in 2013 as the Sun blasts plasma in Earth’s direction. In July 2012, a giant coronal mass ejection (CME) crashed into Earth’s magnetic field and lit up the skies with auroras as far south as Colorado and Kansas, and well into the southern hemisphere. In 2013, expect more solar activity, and be aware that power grids will be susceptible. Have an emergency plan, and make sure your loved ones know about it. We humans have electromagnetic fields just like the Earth does, and these fluctations will be obvious to anyone who’s energetically sensitive. Enjoy the show, and also ground yourself and practice nurturing self-care.
For more information, check out this NASA video:
You can sign up for solar flare alerts here: http://spaceweather.com/

SixtiesUranus-Pluto Square: During the current Uranus-Pluto square (2012-2015), we revisit the extreme cultural and societal upheaval of the mid-1960s when the conjunction of these two planetary heavyweights kicked off a 138-year cycle. This is the first (90°) square in this cycle and triggers fresh action based on themes set in motion back in the Vietnam-hippy-protest-drug-sex-flower-power era. With so much influence from Scorpio and Pisces now, it’s even more challenging to dodge addiction issues today (or easier to opt out, if you want to look at it that way). This period is especially intense for baby boomers born in the ‘60s and for anyone with natal placements in cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn). There are seven exact squares:
June 24, 2012
September 19, 2012
May 20, 2013
November 1, 2013
April 21, 2014
Dec 15, 2014
March 16, 2015
This passage will stimulate revolutionary action and may open a window for wide-sweeping social change if we’ve matured over the past 40 years, and if effective leadership emerges.
Saturn in Scorpio: Saturn in Scorpio (October 5, 2012-December 23, 2014; then June 14-September 17, 2015): As the Lord of Karma and Keeper of Time, Saturn teaches us important lessons – both individually and collectively – related to the sign he’s traversing. For the next two-and-a-half-years, we’re learning about Scorpio, the sign of sex and intimacy, power and politics, obsessions, addictions, death, rebirth and the depths of the psyche. Scorpio loves to explore the dark side, yet Saturn urges responsibility.
SnakeYear of the Snake: In Chinese astrology, the Year of the Snake begins on February 10. Like Scorpio in western astrology, the Chinese Snake is complex, mysterious and intense. The Snake embodies esoteric knowledge and wisdom while symbolizing the process of transformation. The Snake year will be unsettling and full of surprises. It’s no coincidence that these themes echo those of 2013’s western astrology. Expect the unexpected. As one website says: “The Snake prepares us for shake-ups in old realities that open the way for forward movement, refershed understanding and growth. As the Snake sheds its skin, we are invited to release old thinking that has blocked growth and progress. This is a year with the energy to inspire newfound ambition to achieve great things.” http://lunarnewyearhouston.com/the-mystery-of-the-year-of-the-snake/
Grand Water Trine: On July 17, Jupiter, Neptune and Saturn form a Grand Trine at 4 to 5 degrees of the water signs – Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio, respectively. This emotionally nurturing, spiritual and healing configuration is a welcome influence amid the violent and chaotic energies that dominate 2013. Later in the month, a soothing Grand Sextile forms with six planets in Earth and water signs, so it seems July will offer a bit of a respite in this volatile year.

Month by Month
Follow along with this brief summary of the major influences. The new year brings multiple opportunities for us to focus our intent with the waves of change flowing through us to craft a brighter, more sustainble future for the Earth and her children. Ceremony and ritual are most potent at the times of planetary alignment. With so much influence from the fire, earth and water elements, it’s important to stay grounded. Connect with Mother Earth and your inner wisdom. Spend time in nature. Be positive. Focus on solutions. Take action. Celebrate life.

January 2013
New Moon in Capricorn – January 11
Full Moon in Leo/Aquarius – January 26/27
Jupiter stations direct in Gemini – January 30

February 2013
New Moon in Aquarius – February 9/10
Chinese New Year – Year of the Snake begins – February 10
Venus in the Underworld – February 16-May 6
When the planet of love and beauty travels with the Sun, she’s invisible to us on Earth. This is Venus’ mythic journey of the underworld, a time when we undergo a transformative death and rebirthing process with her. She’ll re-emerge May 6 as Evening Star on the western horizon after sunset.
Mercury retrograde – February 23-March 17
Full Moon in Virgo/Pisces – February 25

March 2013
New Moon in Pisces – March 11
Aries Equinox – March 20
Full Moon in Libra/Aries – March 26/27

April 2013
New Moon in Aries – April 10
Partial Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio/Taurus – April 25
The first eclipse of the year is a partial eclipse of the Moon visible from Asia, Europe, Africa and Antarctica. The Moon will rise in eclipse over eastern parts of South America.

May 2013
Venus rises in the west as Evening Star – May 6
Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus – May 9/10
In this eclipse, a narrow ring of the sun will be visible behind the darkened face of the Moon. The annular eclipse will be visible from parts of Australia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Gilbert Islands. A partial eclipse will be seen from Australia, Indonesia, Oceania and the Pacific Ocean.
Uranus-Pluto square (exact) – May 20
Partial Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius/Gemini – May 25
A shallow penumbral eclipse will be visible from the Americas, West Africa and southwestern Europe. This is a slight eclipse with only 4% of the Moon’s diameter in shadow.

June 2013
New Moon in Gemini – June 8
Cancer Solstice – June 20
Full Moon in Capricorn/Cancer – June 22/23
Jupiter into Cancer – June 25 (through July 16, 2014)
As a double-Cancer, I’m looking forward to this one! Jupiter expands the energies of whatever sign it transits. Cancer is nurturing, intuitive and yes, emotional. We’re likely to feel this transit deeply. Over the next year, we’ll focus on home and family, those aspects of life that nurture and support us. Emotions may run wild when Jupiter forms a T-Square with Uranus and Pluto from August 2012 through April 2014. There are also harmonious trines from Jupiter to the other planets transiting water signs – Chiron and Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio.
Mercury retrograde – June 26-July 20

July 2013
New Moon in Cancer – July 7/8
Grand Trine – Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune trine to each other in water signs – July 17
Full Moon in Aquarius/Leo – July 22
Grand Sextile – Six planets in Earth and water signs, all sextile to each other: Pluto, Neptune, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Moon – July 29
August 2013
New Moon in Leo – August 6
Cardinal T-Square – Uranus-Pluto-Jupiter – August 7 (on and off through April 20, 2014)
Full Moon in Aquarius/Leo – August 20 (second Aquarius Full Moon)

September 2013
New Moon in Virgo – September 5
Full Moon in Pisces/Virgo – September 18/19 – Harvest Moon
Libra Equinox – September 22

October 2013
New Moon in Libra – October 4
Partial Lunar Eclipse in Aries/Libra – October 18/19
This full moon eclipse will be seen from North America, Europe, Africa and Asia.
Mercury retrograde – October 21-November 10

November 2013
Uranus-Pluto square (exact) – November 1
“Hybrid” Solar Eclipse in Scorpio – November 3
This is a rare hybrid of an annular and total eclipse of the Sun. Totality will be seen from a thin band running through the North Atlantic and equatorial Africa. A partial eclipse will be seen from parts of North and South America, the Middle East and Africa. The annular eclipse will be seen only in parts of Africa.
Full Moon in Taurus/Scorpio – November 16/17

December 2013
New Moon in Sagittarius – December 2
Full Moon in Gemini/Sagittarius – December 16/17
Capricorn Solstice – December 21

2013 Astro Forecast Reading
Find out how the astrology of 2013 relates to you personally with a 2013 Preview Reading by phone or Skype. My readings support your decision-making process in key areas of your life, including family, career, health, relationships, business, real estate, location and study. Personal consultations help you make sense of the constantly shifting energies as we align with your natal blueprint and the natural cycles of creation. Readings are customized and unique to each individual – not computer-generated reports. I also record the session so you can listen again throughout the year.
Details and rates for personal consultations are posted on the following pages:
2013 Astro Forecast Reading
Life Path Consultation
Additional information about my sessions is posted here: http://heyallie.com/services/about/
“Thank you, thank you for your insight and wisdom, your artistry and your attitude! Beyond what the stars and planets are up to, it is always very helpful and inspiring to work with you.” – Susan
“You’re so darned accurate with everything! Thank you for all your insight and hard work. You’re very skilled and talented.” – Rob
“It is just breathtaking how powerful your work is.” – Cristina

FloracopeiaGifts from the Earth
Aromatherapy is an alchemical gift that sustains us, especially in times of change. The plants ease and support our transformation with great love. I’m pleased to be affiliated with my favorite line of esential oils, sustainably harvested and crafted by Floracopeia. Read more about this unique company and their aromatherapy products and training on my website. And don’t forget you’ll receive 25% on your first order with my affiliate code. http://heyallie.com/faves/aromatherapy/
The Mountain Astrologer: For in-depth insights about astrology, I recommend The Mountain Astrologer magazine: http://mountainastrologer.com/tma/
Jim Maynard’s Astro Calendars: This is my trusted source over the years. Calendars include a yearly ephemeris plus basic information about astrology that will help you follow along when you’re studying astrology or reading detailed interpretations. In 2013, there’s also an iPhone app! http://quicksilverproductions.com/

Whether you’re a new subscriber or you’ve read my work for years, thank you for your interest and support. I wish you a most joyous passage as we embark on the next leg of this mysterious and mind-bending journey together.

Copyright 2012-2013 Allison Rae/HeyAllie.com All rights reserved.
This article is copyrighted and may not be reprinted without permission and proper attribution. You’re welcome to forward the PDF in its complete original form. If you’d like to reprint partial content and/or post on your website, please write to allisonrae@heyallie.com.

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