Monday, January 14, 2013

Weather Report Of Physical & Emotional Symptoms for January 2013 - Children of Light

(NOTE: To get a greater sense of how these months fit into a bigger picture, we strongly
encourage you to read the OVERVIEW of 2013 first. We have included a great deal of
information in that article that is important to understand each segment of the year. We
will not repeat that information below.)

We have reached a time that has received more attention than any other time we have known... a time of major prophecy and change.
"The end of the world" as we have known it... is coming as the planet reaches the mid-point of her life. This mid-life change is the time when we move back "home," towards Source. This will bring a deeper awareness of soul consciousness and the fact that we are all sacred beings, a part of Creator.

This will bring the need to face the limitations that we have known, stuck in the more primitive stages of learning that the planet has been moving through for so very long. Deeper truths are waiting to be revealed. More personal and collective potential awaits us than we have ever been able to access.

We have seen the front edges of this awakening in the last decades, when we have accelerated and learned more than in the past thousands of years. We have just begun!

2013 is being called a Year of New Beginnings through End of Conflight of Opposites by Archangel Gabriel.

In the Overview of the Year, we have talked about the three quadrants (four-month segments) of the year. This channeling will be about the first four months of 2013 specifically.
"Dealy beloved Children of Light, as you know we are called Gabriel, and as always, it is a joy to be in your divine presence.
We come to speak to you of the end of the world as you have known it, and the beginning of a new world. A world that frees you from the need to grow and expand and become through the pain and pleasure of cause and effect, the movement of friction of opposites, the experience of duality.
You can now begin to develop the experience of working with the light of soul consciousness and evolving into the Law of Resonance.
The law of Resonance reveals that everything is connected and takes place through the perfection of synchronicity. This connects you to the refinement of resonance.

When you resonate with something, you automatically attract that. You have operated through the law of Friction, attracting through opposing that which you have wanted to avoid... rather than living, through moving towards that which you choose to create. And then taking responsibility for building a resonance with that experience on the INSIDE.

That is what this new world is about, developing a new relationship with life.
Before that can take place you must have a burning away of the old. The 7th Ray of Consciousness, which governs this next 2000 year cycle, is the ray that governs through the Divine Plan... creating structure and form, first allowing the destruction of all old forms that don't operate from the commitment to unity, oneness and the good of the whole.

The old way of learning that you have learned through so far is limited to the lower three energy centers, as a collective consciousness. You have learned how to survive in the physical world, relating your reality almost fully to the outer physical world as the source of your fulfillment and focus.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The physical world is one tiny part of reality, whose purpose is there for the process of evolving into knowledge of yourself as God-beings... preparing for connection to the soul and the ability to manifest from the truth of that soul.

The physical has been a mirror for you, so that you may know all that you are made of, as God-beings. The soul and the Love force of the Divine Mind is the creative force, that gives you the creative ability to express and experience as individuals.

Through each one of you, Creator or God has gotten to know all possibilities.
Each of you has been serving a purpose of the revelation of stages and parts of God's love experienced and expressed, so that you may know more and more of all that is God.

You have done this through conflict for the most part, through finding out what does not work, through myths at various stages of growth. Now everything changes, as you have prepared for the physical part of yourself to be guided by the Spiritual part of yourself.

At this time, you are in the process of revealing all 12 archetypes of the Godmind in any planetary experience. The Ascension experience will be done IN the physical for the first time. And the Godmind will be informed through all parts of creation, all individuals and infinite awareness.

So now as your physical body is being prepared for this level of consciousness, you move into a new beginning in 2013. You will learn how to live more and more "un-divided," without separation and defense and conflict and oppostion. You will move out of isolation.

Spirit and Matter have been isolated and separated. But as the planetary heart chakra awakens more fully, the spiritual and physical/sexual forces can come together for the awakened soul.

As you go into these first four months, you are in a time of Breakdown.
You will examine the physicality of your lives in January.


This will show you how you have determined your lives through a dependency on form for a sense of place or control or belonging in a physical reality.
This is the month of DISILLUSIONMENT of structure as well. It will show you how you have valued the form, hidden behind the form, to show you how you have lacked value of self.

It is already happening for many of you. You might see it in the disillusionment of the work place or in relationships or in the ways you have sought gratification.

Jobs have been explored from a point of survival, but not as a way to celebrate your talents and abilities. Anything that is not aligned with the truth of your talents and abilities and inherent qualities of being will become more and more evident... through a tremendous sense of emptiness.

In the world around you, you will see more and more how desperate people will become to find something outside themselves, to distract them from a lack of sense of Self on the INSIDE.

You will also see people obtaining more and more "things" to distract and hide out from the inner emptiness. Some will do it in groups, like the local bar. Some will become busy at work, motivated in desperation.

You will see the "holes" in all the ideologies, your religious ideologies, that don't know how to point you to the source within yourselves. That is because what is outside yourselves CANNOT substitute for a lack of self of Self, which comes from developing an inner relationship with yourself.

You must know yourself. The average person does not, but is more aware of what they are attached to in the outer world.

So January will be a time of disillusionment. This relates to the first energy center, your place in the physical world and how you manifest in the physical world. This energy will begin to re-structure through the breakdown of that which is not in the resonance of truth and authenticity.

On the other hand, if you are connected to inner source and authenticity, this will not be a problem. Quite the contrary, it will magnify what you have taken the time to build.

You will see in the world around you lots of disillusionment in religions, political systems, with people deeply disenchanted with all the ideologies that do not know how to encourage and model inner fulfillment.
Where there is imbalance, you will have structures falling apart or being torn apart.

It will also relate to relationships and friendships that are not based on truth and mutual value. If you have used relationships to merely distract and fill the inner emptiness, you will find more and more frustration and challenge. If you look to others to give you some sense of self, you will find less and less satisfaction.

You will find more value in relationships where you are working to deepen and share from individual truths in equal value.

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