Thursday, November 07, 2013

Weather Report Of Physical & Emotional Symptoms for November 2013 - Children of Light


This brings us to the month of November. It will be a time when the energies will move to the base of your spines and activate a transformation of your lives in ways that are deeper and richer than what you have known.

It will be a time that challenge the core of your lives... challenges you to respond and invest as the structures and forms begin their journeys into and exploration of the new, as you seek to resolve and move beyond the limits of the familiar approach.

This may also be a time of upheaval, which is what happens in a time of change. This is not a "bad" thing. It is quite "good," to use your old terms of duality. You see, it is going through the learning curve of transformation, letting go of the old that no longer serves as you explore and apply the new, that allows for greater fulfillment.

You cannot think that this will occur without challenge. It cannot be done. The old will give way to the deeper truths, if you continue to practice and move into the stillness and inner listening that we have suggested.

This time will force you into a new search for deeper solutions. What could be better? You showing up in your lives, taking deeper responsibility for all that is transpiring, which is nothing more that the world seeking to move into "something more."

You are each divine, sacred beings. You are loved and supported in all things, even change and transformation. However, this time of shaking up the lower self inspires you to move beyond the limited views of that lower self... into the higher consciousness of the rising soul.

This is great news indeed... as you respond.

Life is moving. Life is movement. Life is the movement of energies that flow through you in the physical, giving you the privilege of experience. And experience inspires you to respond and dance... to grow and become more of all that you are.

This is life. And yet, you have not lived LIFE in many ways. This is the deeper truth that you will discover in this time. 

So look to the challenged lower will, the  challenged structures created out of the lower will and the fear/control/separation paradigm that you have known. And respond with a growing higher intelligence that moves within you at this time.

Work to clear the way, the pathway of the lower self, which is the realm of experience. Clear the way with the tools available to you, so that you can each take your place in the unfolding Divine Plan of creation for your planet Earth.

This is a time to celebrate... a time of rebirth.
And that rebirth is first awakened by endings of the limited, old.

This is what is taking place on your planet, as the 7th Ray of Spirit moves through your lives and your planet. It is a most exciting time to be alive... not to resist.

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