Message from Dr. Meg:
Online Messages
October 28, 2011
Greetings to each of you! What a time we are experiencing! Since a great lull in cosmic energies, the doors have swung wide open and multi-dimensional energies will continue to expand into spring. We will be experiencing a kind of snowball effect as our intentions and the energy we put forward moves into the universal process, it will become larger, stronger, and more effective causing a windfall of change and reward for our efforts! I will tell you more about this in a minute but first, a special couple of announcements!
My new book, “Touching the Light, What Miracles are Made Of”, Comes out in all book stores on Tuesday, November 1st. I am so excited to see that this book has already taken off into bestseller territory and shows signs of being the most read book I have ever written. This book is all about multi-dimensional healing, energy, the etheric anatomy, and how, when we know how to access those very sweet and fragile parts of us, we cannot only heal our physical issues, we can literally change our lives! I am touched and honored to offer this new piece of my heart to you and am grateful to all of you who ordered it ahead of time! So much so in fact, that I have created a pay it forward special event that I will be announcing on Tuesday concurrent with the release. I will tell you that it is all about what I am calling an Enlightened Holiday, and I will be offering you the chance to win free books, CDs and other things that you can keep, share with a friend, or give as a holiday gift. I have lots of cool stuff piling up in the gift bin so watch your email on Tuesday for the release announcement and instructions how to enter. Hint: Keep your order numbers! Here is a link to Amazon for you! Touching the Light: Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit by Merging with God Consciousness
Also I am beyond excited to tell you that beginning early in 2012 I will be offering Certification Courses in Touching the Light! That’s right! Now that the book is out, I have put together a new program that offers one year certification for Practitioners of Touching the Light as well as a Level II and instructor’s course. This is something that I have been working on for years and now, in 2012, as the new cycle begins, so will Touching the Light all over the world! You don’t have to have any experience to do this and can find out more on my NEW web site at at your request, I will send a package to you will full info and an application. I plan to so this on the east and west coasts of the US to start. All of my students, once certified, will be referred by me to clients in their areas. Instructors once certified, will have the right to teach this method to their own students. I will be honored to teach this method to all who want to learn.
I was in Chicago last weekend for the annual Midwest Lightworker’s Conference and it was fantastic. Joanne Macko did a fabulous job of bringing together a room full of light beings with whom us speakers could really engage. It was a blast. I had the privilege of being on the roster with Semir (Sam) Osmanagic, the scientist who has discovered and is studying as well as excavating the huge Pyramid in Bosnia. This pyramid is twice as large as the one in Giza, Egypt, is the oldest on the planet and is alive, sending out massive fields of electromagnetic energy that defy our known physics. The energy fields of this pyramid have been measured and filmed including a measurable shaft of light coming from the apex of this pyramid! The energy of this light beam becomes stronger the farther is gets from the pyramid and seems to be a beacon to our galactic brothers and sisters. It is 13 meters across and steady at 28 megahertz. There is a lot more to this so I suggest that everyone stay tuned or watch for further info in the news and internet about this discovery. The Masters talked about it years ago and now it is revealed! Sam has also recorded the pyramid talking via its light emissions and is working diligently to understand how to interpret the voices coming from the energy in the pyramid. No joke. I will be going to Bosnia next summer after our crop circle adventure to tour the site with Sam and his beautiful wife Sabine. (I hope I spelled that right Love!) Stay tuned for more on this breaking news!
As promised, more about the energies now and what is coming ~ for several months, the energies were at first very intense, causing a lot of life changes and body issues. Many people were not handling these energies well (at least on the surface!) and some seemed even unreasonable and even angry as old energies released from their systems. Then we had a lull for a couple of months, where everyone I talked to said they felt as if they were in a cosmic pause with no instructions or guidance coming in to help them with what is next. That has definitely changed. As we experience the last of the eight star gate systems opening the energies have refined beautifully into clear direct pathways for manifesting, intuiting and generally taking is for the rides of our lives. These energies will continue to expand in strength and intensity into April of next year, literally carrying us into awareness and capabilities that we can only imagine. Healing and out of body experiences will be taking an entirely new turn as the energies move from sacred geometrical formats to fractals. What does that mean in everyday life? Less effort, greater outcomes. No kidding. The Masters have been showing me the new fractal energies that are available on command. They are nearly manifesting physically and are the most powerful etheric tools I have ever experienced. The energies are also available to us as a double and triple helix, much like our DNA and that of our galactic ancestors. We, being carbon based, have a double helix, a two-sided strand of DNA, while our predecessors, part of our root races, were selenium based beings with three-stranded DNA. The energies coming to us are taking that natural form and communicating way beyond that of our thinking brains and literally becoming part of our energy fields. This occurrence is highly relevant to the coming times and how we are adapting to the new energies and the end of the 26,000-year cycle of our procession of planets in 2012. As we begin a new cycle (and yes, we will), we will do so with a new set of abilities available to us if we open to them. I don’t know about you, but these coming times look pretty amazing to me!
On August 22 there was a 5.5 earthquake in Colorado on 37 N latitude. The underground base called Dulce, which is technically in New Mexico but close to Colorado, was wiped out by a magnetic pulse beam from one of the light ships that are now here in our vicinity. Dulce is on 37 N latitude. They beamed the people out of the bases before they destroyed it with their beam weapon which totally pulverized the underground base. As far as I know the underground city under the Denver airport is unharmed, which is where our President Barack Obama will be on September 27th.
On August 23 they sent another beam to destroy the underground base under Wash, D.C. and Virginia. This was a very important base and had all kinds of technology such as computers with everything about all of us on those computers. They also had mind control technology. This base was controlled by the negative ETs who are the Beings who have controlled everything on Earth for a long time. They were the Masters of the negative Beings who live here on Earth. This base was also connected with a negative base on the dark side of the moon, and one on Mars which were also taken out.