Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mastering Time - November 21, 2011 - Jennifer Hoffman

Read the November 2011 article here:

We fear time and what it can do because we equate time with death, the ultimate end. Our fear is not with time itself, but with what time can do. So within everything we do, time becomes the factor we can't control, the ultimate end that will eventually catch up with us. When we're in a race against time, time usually wins because we see it as something we work against or that works against us. It is responsible for the deadlines we don't meet, the things we don't accomplish, the opportunities that pass us by. But what if time, like many other aspects of our reality, was an illusion that we could master? What would be possible for us if we were masters of time?

To master time we must be able to view it from the perspective of it working with and for us and one of many aspects of life and the third dimension that we can control because time is just another element of our reality. Time is an aspect of doing and from this perspective we will never be in control of time because we will never be able to 'do' enough. In today's 24x7 world, we seem to have too much to do and not enough time but how much of what we do is useful, aligned with our intention? Mastery of time begins when we align time and intention, which also aligns timing and outcome.

Today's world offers a wealth of life options and while many are possible, they are not all useful, effective or efficient uses of our energy. Time aligns with energy movement and the path of mastery asks us to consider all possibilities within the scope of what is aligned with our life purpose and highest good. What we find is when what we do is aligned with who we are, time moves in an effortless and easy flow towards outcome. Being in the flow happens when we are fully aligned, body, mind, emotions and spirit, with our intention and then we're in control of time.

Time is the movement of energy through density, so the more density we put into a situation, which includes meeting others' needs, expectation or fears about the outcome, the more we expand time and its effects, which also shrinks our options. Time is a factor if we empower it and it is irrelevant if we don't. Although time will occur in our life, how much it matters, what it can affect, and how long it lasts all depend on whether we have learned to master time. When we are 'being' ourselves, consciously intending our reality into being, focused on and in the present and fully aligned with our being and our truth, we have learned an important key to mastery and the limitations that time creates are no longer part of our reality.

The Uriel Heals Enlightening Life radio show
The next Enlightening Life radio show will be Wednesday, November 23, 2011, at 8PM Central time on Blog Talk Radio. We will discuss the newsletter and readings are available to callers, dial 718-664-6504. Clickhere for show details.
Previous episodes are now on Itunes. Click here to access.

It's a Week for Seatbelts!
In this US we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, a day when we give thanks for everything we have to be grateful for. While some may argue that it has become a highly commercialized, over dramatized front door to the Christmas shopping season, it is still a time for gathering, community, family and friends. Interestingly enough, Mercury goes retrograde on November 24, which is Thanksgiving Day and we have a New Moon Solar eclipse on that date too. I think some family gatherings are going to be very dramatic and also very healing. Since 11-11-11 we have had some strong energy downloads that are supporting our commitment to transform and ascend and if we haven't found the right time for that to happen, it may be delivered to us in very obvious ways this week.

With this month's message and newsletter topic on time, we are being given information to help us change our understanding of our place in the Universe and any way in which we have limited our power. So often this occurs with the people we least expect as our most powerful and important teachers, those who have a karmic commitment to helping us grow. If they appear to be working harder than ever it's because we need to move beyond our karma and into present moment living. The earth, humanity and the Universe need our gifts and energy to be used in new and different ways, which can't happen when we're stuck in our karma and karmic cycles.

This week you may find yourself at 'the end of the road' in one area of your life (or more), where you can't continue to do what you have already done and know that something else is possible, even if you aren't sure what that is. There are three ways to do anything - the old way, working harder at the old way, or doing something different. It takes as long as it takes to learn, integrate and align with any lesson and each of us accomplishes that in our own way and with our own timing. We often judge our results based on what we think is happening in other people's lives, which is often nowhere near the truth of what they are actually going through. We can use this week's energy to be easier on ourselves, to limit self judgment and learn some self appreciation.

We do eventually arrive at a new and different outcome. Transformation is means 'changing form' and that is exactly what we are all doing, whether we are losing a job, relationship, protesting in the OWS movement, looking at new options or in the beginning stage of considering our general unhappiness and dissatisfaction. For the last week I have felt that 'something is happening' but I'm not sure what it is or what will happen. Having an intention for my life channels the energy flow towards what I want to manifest. Being open to 'this or something better' allows the best outcome to manifest. And having faith and trust in a benevolent Universe always keeps us aligned with our highest good and allows it to happen in the most perfect way.

You attract according to how you value yourself. From its first lesson 'You are powerful' to the last, 'Recognizing Your Miracles', the 30 Days to Everyday Miracles book and the Miracle Mastery program helps you create a powerful value statement for your life. Find out more by clicking here and reading about how you can create your miraculous life.

Uriel's Message -- Spirit Channeled Awareness

Readings with Archangel Uriel offer healing, clarity, amazing insights and more. Click here for more details and to schedule a reading.

Each reality is an unconscious manifestation of karma and soul wound history so the elements needed to bring the life path's healing purpose forward can manifest. Every step on your life journey is an expression of the healing purpose, mission and promise contained within your soul contract. When a healing cycle has reached its end and there is an opportunity to experience and integrate a new vibration Spirit channels the awareness required that can allow the healing and transformation to occur. The awareness is either acknowledged or judged and the healing opportunity is then either accepted and integrated or rejected and denied.

Spirit is a constant presence on your life path, your partner in healing and in co-creating your heaven on earth. It channels the potential expressions of your highest life purpose to you at every moment but is challenged by the ego's desire to continue its purpose in your life, which is to create healing opportunities. The ego must be willing to move into higher aspects of being, which includes releasing its attachment to drama and acknowledging the completion of your healing, for the channeled awareness to connect with your soul's desire for transformation and ascension.

This is the process of aligning the ego with its highest purpose, which is to express your divinity through your humanity. With this alignment there is karmic healing and closure and you are able to create your next healing cycle with more conscious participation and less unconscious attachment to karma and your soul wounds. Each of your aspects, mind, body, emotions and spirit, work together to create your reality. All are connected and their alignment is necessary for healing, transformation and ascension into higher vibrations. The channeled awareness of Spirit reveals areas of mis-alignment, where fear is present and the ego is not participating in allowing healing to occur. The response of the ego determines whether there will be alignment with growth and alignment with a higher vibration or alignment with karma, the past and the status quo.

This choice is made in each moment and the channeled awareness of Spirit is an opening into your healing and higher vibrations. Look to all things for your healing purpose, for it is present all around you. Be open to the voice of Spirit within for it has the solution to your desire for healing, for the release of karma into the blessings of joy and peace. What do you wish to be aligned with, your karmic history and soul wounds or your higher vibration of love and unlimited potential for joy, peace and abundance? Each moment of your life is an opportunity to hear the messages spirit channels to you to move into your heaven on earth. Use them to set your intention for healing and the transformation you desire will become your new reality.

Setting Boundaries For Children

A colleague of mine writes a parenting blog and she recently wrote about the loss of a treasured ring, which she always kept in a small tray in her room. Her daughter had been her room, had played with the ring and then set it down somewhere in the house. After two days of searching the ring was found. I responded to her post with a parenting tip that I learned with my own children, about setting personal space boundaries. It worked for me and I never lost personal items because my children were playing in my bedroom. One of my boundaries was that my room was off limits and they respected that.

When my children's friends asked to go into my room I would hear them reply, in a serious tone, 'We're not allowed to play in my mom's room', and they weren't. They could be there if I was also in there and were allowed to touch certain things. But I made it clear that my room was not their playroom and my things were not their toys. This taught them about personal space and respecting others' belongings. They didn't grow up limited or repressed, quite the opposite. When they lived with roommates, they set the same boundaries with them and expected them to respect their belongings.

My Indigo and Crystal children had many boundaries, such as set bedtimes and dinnertimes, how they were expected to behave and what they could expect from me in the way of support and care. When we set boundaries we let our children know that we love and care for them enough to be present in their lives. When they know what to expect they don't worry about what will or won't happen or how they are going to manage their lives. They know that there are areas we will take care of and they trust that we will. When we respect these boundaries by performing within them, we make their world more peaceful and orderly and for Indigos, who tend to be worriers anyway, this is a great relief.

I know parents who raise their children without boundaries and then wonder why their children are confused, tempermental and highly emotional. If nothing is defined for them, everything becomes larger than life and they don't know how to act. Setting boundaries lets them know that their world is in control and allows parents to manage their lives in a more orderly way. For sensitive, high vibration children this becomes even more important as they need the comfort of boundaries that let them know where their energy is going, where they will be cared for and how to focus their attention. This will keep their energy focused and grounded and let them relax and be who they are instead of worrying about their lives. And it will create more peaceful energy in their environment which is also highly beneficial to these sensitive and highly empathic children.

Read about Indigos & Crystals

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