Monday, November 14, 2011

Measuring Time - November 14, 2011 - Jennifer Hofmann

Measuring Time

Read the November 2011 article here:

How many different ways do we look at the passage of time in our lives? Think about the words we use to talk about our relationship with time. We talk about using time, how long things take, how time flies, how it drags, we have 'too much time on our hands' or not enough, we use it wisely or we waste it. We mark each passing year with a celebration of our birth day and wonder where the years have gone. Then we judge ourselves based on whether we have used those years effectively. And yet time is nothing more than a tool for measuring learning, experience, outcome, healing and transformation.

As a society we have become obsessed with time, using a variety of tools to hold back the clock. The huge upsurge in cosmetic surgery is nothing more than a way to stop the appearance of the passage of time, but with this focus we see time as the enemy and see ourselves as its victim. A better way to use time is to measure our learning and healing process. With each life experience we have an opportunity to learn, heal, grow and transform, taking our life path in new directions. Removing our focus from time takes it out of our flow of learning because it doesn't matter how much time passes, what matters is what we do with the time we have and how we use it to complete our healing purpose and raise our energetic vibrations.

We can use time effectively or not, depending on where our focus is. The more we scatter our energy and attention, the more time becomes important. But if our focus is on us and our life purpose of healing, then time becomes irrelevant and the transformation process is actually shortened. We become what we focus on and that becomes a dominant energy in our life. And by not focusing on time we actually free ourselves from its results. Ageless, happy people are those who focus on life and living, and not on time.

As we have discussed previously, time is nothing more than the passage of energy through the density of the third dimension. Our energetic vibration controls the level of density that we experience so as we focus on raising our vibration, on our light and our learning, we diminish the effects of time and change our relationship with it. Keeping your attention and intention on the outcome, that which you want to create, removes the time element because things take as long as our soul requires and that is not a fixed time period, it is fluid, as is our soul growth. By focusing on the things that really matter in life, such love, joy, peace and abundance, we allow time to become our friend and ally and we can stop living life through the measure of time and instead, through the level of joy we experience.

The Uriel Heals  Enlightening Life radio show
The next Enlightening Life radio show will be Wednesday, November 16, 2011, at 8PM Central time on Blog Talk Radio. We will discuss the newsletter and readings are available to callers, dial 718-664-6504. Click here for show details.

Previous episodes are now on Itunes. Click here to access.
After 11-11-11, Now What?
11-11-11 was a special day whose significance extends beyond its unique date. It was special because the entire world shared in the hope, blessings and meaning of this day. Around the world people shared conversations that focused on enlightenment, possibilities and potential. But the world didn't end (it wasn't supposed to) and we continue with our life journey. Now that 11-11-11 has come and gone, we must focus on carrying the energy's momentum into the days following it. We do that by practicing integration, staying aligned with our intentions and putting them into practice. Like any other energetic shift, it's what we do after it happens that is important. Simply put, the Universe delivers the energetic package, but we have to open it and decide where its contents should go.

I have always found the days after a big shift to be somewhat anticlimactic. We feel the energy downloads, often experiencing intense physical side effects and then have the let down because despite all the anticipation and activity, the world appears to remain the same. The politics haven't changed, the wars haven't ended, people are still arguing about the same things and the world continues to be on the brink of chaos. But we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg and it is our desire for something different that is the true indicator that change is happening. And like in our own lives, it happens from the inside out. What we see on the surface does not indicate all of the activity happening underneath.

The best ways to use the energy after 11-11-11 is to keep our intentions active every day. Instead of measuring our results by when they happen, we must get into the habit of seeing them as happening right away; their physical manifestation is just the final aspect. Our spiritual practice must become more disciplined if we are to step into our mastery and act as true co-creators. This doesn't mean we have to meditate every day but it does mean that we have to begin to remember ourselves as spiritual beings and stay connected to that energy and our co-creative power. We are not at the mercy of time, destiny, karma or the Universe. We need to see ourselves as masters and to use our mastery tools to create the life and world we want to live in.

There is powerful energy available to all of us now but we have to use it in a conscious and intentional way. This also means becoming 'selfish' and meeting our own needs. It's time to put ourselves first in our lives, which doesn't involve putting up walls to keep others out. It means setting energetic boundaries in our lives to ensure that we are interacting with what is in our highest good, serves us in life- and self-affirming ways and is aligned with what we want to create. Remember to breathe, as breath is our Source connection (it's what keeps us alive) and the more we stay grounded, centered and aligned with our purpose, the more loving and fulfilling experience of life we will have.

You attract according to how you value yourself. From its first lesson 'You are powerful' to the last, 'Recognizing Your Miracles', the 30 Days to Everyday Miracles book and the Miracle Mastery program helps you create a powerful value statement for your life. Find out more by clicking here and reading about how you can create your miraculous life.

Uriel's Message -- Un-Doing Karma or Be-Coming Transformation

Readings with Archangel Uriel offer healing, clarity, amazing insights and more. Click here for more details and to schedule a reading.        

Each lifetime is entered with the purpose of healing karma and transmuting energies of fear into a higher vibration. This is the purpose of life and for each lifetime that is experienced on earth. The human experience creates karma until it can learn to connect with the energy of unconditional love, which then allows ascension into new energetic vibrations to occur. Karmic cycles allow the experience of karma through lessons to allow for the possibility of healing and forgiveness. This is the path of un-doing, which can create repeated cycles of learning until you aware that the way out of these cycles is to be-come the healing and transformation that will release the karma.

Every human connection contains a karmic element which you can be aware of by remembering that this is a central aspect of every interaction. Being aware of the presence of karma, observing the energy exchanges and knowing when karma is being activated allows you to see where there are opportunities to become the healing your own soul requires. You are either on the path of un-doing karma, which you do by repeating it in every interaction, or be-coming transformation.

Asking for the higher vibration of this experience is one way to stop 'un-doing' karma and become a new vibration. By recognizing and using every opportunity for healing, the karmic cycles of your life and of the world are minimized and greater opportunities for release and healing are available. This is part of your life mission, to stop the cycles of undoing, which are karmic, and to discover that life can be a joyful, effortless experience created from your highest vibrations.

Each of you is a healer of your soul wounds, soul groups, soul mates and of the world. But do not feel overwhelmed by the task because all healing begins with you and you each have the ability to follow the path of undoing or the path of becoming. You know which path to choose, which one is aligned with your soul's desire for healing and transformation and which one responds to your own wish for ascension and life in higher dimensions of being. Choose the path you resonate with, that answers your heart's call for healing and transformation and you will, with each step on your journey, become your heaven on earth.

ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia & Indigos   
As the parent of a child diagnosed with ADD, ADHD and dyslexia, I know how frustrating those 'disorders' can be and how challenging it is to ensure that our children are treated with dignity, respect and not drugged into submission. I dealt with the education system in the late 80s and it was not ADD-friendly. My son was put in special education classes, labeled as unruly and disruptive and the school told me that he had to take Ritalin or he would be expelled. By this time he was willing to try anything but didn't like the side effects or the afternoon let-down. He did get through school, with a lot of difficulty and now manages his condition effectively.

With so many children and adults aware that they have these issues, what are their options for diagnoses and treatment? Drugs are not the answer and although they provide a solution, it is not the best one. What I think is missing from the diagnoses is the energetic component because as energetic beings (everything in our body is an energetic reaction) what we call ADD or ADHD is a 'wiring' issue, where the brain's ability to synthesize information is different. This is an 'Indigo condition because it is especially prevalent among Indigo children and adults.

With these conditions the attention span can't be narrowed which results in an inability to focus attention. Information from all sources is taken in and can't be channeled into smaller components. So the person with ADD, for example, is receiving too many messages all at once and tries to process them at the same time, scattering their energy and attention in many directions. They quickly become overwhelmed and frustrated and begin to act accordingly.  I found that diet, rest and structure were very helpful in managing my son's ADD. If he didn't get enough sleep, ate too much sugar and was off his schedule, his behavior was hard to manage. But when he was rested, ate well and was on a schedule, he could function and stay focused.

I would also like to point out that the work of Dr. Daniel Amen, who writes about the brain, is also very helpful. Understanding how the brain works and the mind-brain connection can help manage your or your child's ADD. The brain is hard wired to work in a particular way so teaching children how to focus and learn energetic management, which can be taught to even young children, is very effective in helping them manage their abilities. There is nothing wrong with them or you. ADD and ADHD are, in fact, examples of a new, highly evolved brain functioning that enables a broader, more expansive energetic connection. That this doesn't fit with the way the education system or society are designed means that we will have to change those things instead of trying to 'fix' an evolved brain.

Read about Indigos & Crystals

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