Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Mystic Muse - Aug 8, 2011 - Allison Rae

This week, passion ignites the fires of purification, engulfing the past in a sea of flames. Unencumbered, the soul soars.
A grand cross is forming in the heavens, again, with Mars filling in the fourth leg with a combustible opposition to Pluto and squaring the ongoing opposition of Uranus and Saturn. Under this configuration, passions erupt. The creative-destructive rush is unstoppable, fueled by evolutionary forces.
The retrograde motion of Mercury, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (traveling “backward” through the sky from our vantage point on Earth) adds a not-so-subtle dimension of uncertainty to the mix. Two steps forward, one step back, seems to be the most popular dance at the moment.
The full moon sky on Saturday will be spiked with a few faint meteor showers (they show better near the new moon). It’s a magical time of manifesting possibilities. It’s also wise to be cautious, compassionate, patient and ingenious. Creative pursuits take the edge off the relentless intensity.
Meanwhile, Venus continues her underworld journey away from our view. As she approaches the Sun before dawn these mornings, the pair will form a triple conjunction with Mercury next week. Illumination of the shadow is softened with grace and beauty.
If there’s something you’ve been dreaming of doing, now’s the time to set things in motion, at least initially. And if there are projects, chores or deep subconscious healing you need to complete, the retrograde energy supports that.
To stay on top of the wave, attune to the universal rhythms.
Write uncompromising poetry.
Become the sky.

Visit the links below for more specifics relating to the energetic build-up we’re experiencing in this Fifth Day of the Mayan Ninth Wave.
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(Post-Wall Street closing addendum)
In the words of the great Wizard of Oz, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.” Really.
The current market shenanigans – and the so-called powers pulling the levers behind the curtain – are designed to create fear. The world isn’t ending.
We’re on a course that means deep and widespread transformation in all areas of our lives and our world, including the economy. Succumbing to the manipulative tactics of those who control world markets only plays into their hands. Stand in your power.
Breathe with the Earth. Become the sky. Trust your intuition. All is perfect. All is change.
Related material I’ve published that offers some perspective:
There’s plenty more on the web from those who see the current fluctuations as a momentous opportunity to do things differently. This transition may be uncomfortable short-term, but long-term sustainability is the key to humanity’s ultimate rebirthing.

You Are What You Choose
In these times, more than ever before on Earth, we are shaping our reality with every thought and action. In my individual sessions, we access the wisdom of the soul and tune into the natural rhythms of the cosmos to help you choose wisely, in alignment with your soul’s will and intent. This information empowers your day-to-day decision-making and builds confidence in all areas of your life – education, career, health, finances, relationships, business and real estate, among others. Check out the options and find out how my phone sessions work by visiting this page:
To read comments from clients who have experienced this work, click here.

Copyright 2011 Allison Rae/HeyAllie.com
All rights reserved.

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