Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Results or Gifts? - August 29, 2011 - Jennifer Hoffman

Everything in our reality exists because we made a choice to accept or decline something at some point in time. This is our life journey of choosing one thing over another based on our beliefs, thoughts, perceptions and memories. And we then make future decisions based on the results we achieve with each of these choices. But that strategy ignores some very important information because with the result our perspective is on the 'happening'. When we look for the gift, our focus is on the learning. The gift is more spiritually powerful, while the result is more emotionally compelling.

Results make us feel good or bad, powerful or powerless, validated or victimized. But results do not lead to anything because we use them to judge our decisions by how we feel. If we like the result, we chose well, if not then we chose poorly. But with this perspective we are making slow, if any, progress and can feel like we're going in circles. This is why we are faced with the same kinds of choices and we always choose in the same way. Using results to judge our spiritual path never allows our circle of potential choices to expand because we are making choices from our emotions instead of our understanding.

There is a lesson and a blessing in all things. This is the gift which illuminates the path to our learning. We are not here to suffer, we are here to learn, heal, grow and transform our human experience into a spiritual partnership. Our challenge is to stop 'feeling' our way through this process and start learning from every step of our journey so we can have closure and expand our field of potential, moving from one level of understanding to another in ways that expand our life path and release us from suffering and painful learning into knowing life as a joyful experience of purposeful manifestation.

There will always be opportunities to accept or decline but without understanding we are stuck in our emotional cycles that create the same experiences again and again because there is no closure, where we are stuck on the treadmill of experience, constantly moving but not making any progress. With learning we take responsibility, release our victim consciousness and make conscious, powerful choices about how we use our power. And this is where the gift becomes the stepping stone to greater understanding, more awareness and manifesting new opportunities to accept or decline that are aligned with our goals for joyful and abundant living.

When the Student is Ready

When we are ready to learn something, someone or something shows up to help us with the lesson. We may learn a key piece of knowledge that helps us understand a situation, or we may read or hear something that helps us move forward on our path. A life event may challenge us to look at how we have been making choices or using our power. Our ability to connect with what we need to learn from occurs when we are ready and need the information to help us move forward into another level of awareness. It is all a matter of timing, as with everything in the Universe, which happens when we are spiritually ready, which does not mean that we are actually "ready".

Spiritual readiness and material readiness are two different things. Our spirit may know we are ready for a change but on an ego level we may be fighting the change with everything we have. This fight is both conscious and unconscious. On a conscious level we may be afraid of what change may mean to us and to others. So we unconsciously engage in self sabotage which is why, at a pivotal moment in the process we injure ourselves, get sick, invite some to judge or criticize us, or become so paralyzed by fear that we are unable to take advantage of the opportunity we are faced with. The student is ready but we can't align our level of understanding, faith and trust with our new opportunities. This is not a failure; it simply means that we are not fully ready to go through that door. The Universe, with its infinite patience, will help us create another opportunity, at another time.

We can't judge or criticize ourselves for not being able to seize opportunities for change because sometimes they appear as gentle nudges to remind us that a life change is coming. If we believe that we get one chance to do this, we are seriously underestimating our spirit's willingness to be of service to us in fulfilling our healing purpose. We will get many opportunities, in the form of many lessons and teachers, to accomplish our healing. And it will all happen when we are spiritually and materially aligned with the opportunity. We are here as both student and teacher, to learn and to teach, to transcend our fear and embrace our potential, when we are ready.

Our journey to spiritual understanding has its moments of doubt and disbelief, including times when we feel stuck and powerless. These are not signs of weakness, they are simply signposts on our journey, reminding us of where we need to align ourselves with our power and look towards new avenues for the expression of our gifts and to expand our life path. The feelings of confidence and security come when we are aligned with these changes and if they are not there, we can use the hints we receive from spirit to help us make changes in ourselves so when the cycle comes around again, and it will, we will be ready to embrace and move forward with it.

You attract according to how you value yourself. From its first lesson 'You are powerful' to the last, 'Recognizing Your Miracles', the 30 Days to Everyday Miracles book and the Miracle Mastery program helps you create a powerful value statement for your life. Find out more by clicking here and reading about how you can create your miraculous life.

Uriel's Message -- Purpose or Perfection?

There is always alignment between your path and your beliefs, your life journey and purpose, the healing you have come to do and the experiences that you create for its accomplishment. Your highest purpose is the most powerful aspect that you are capable of at any moment. This is part of your soul agreement with Source and there is no single way to heaven on earth for anyone. Each one will arrive at their own pace and in their own time. To be aligned with your purpose is to be on your own path in each moment and this is all you can do. It is perfect.

The Universe never demands our perfection for it exists in all things, at all times and in all ways. Do you question the perfection of a flower or the ocean? Then why do you question your own perfection? Purpose exists in perfection but your purpose is not fulfilled by your becoming 'perfect'. You must begin at the point of perfection and know that you move from one aspect of perfection to another. Your purpose is to heal, not to be perfect. Perfection is not achieved in being better or the best, in having the most or being the fastest. It is who and what you are in the eyes of Source.

Your purpose exists in perfection at all times, even in those times when you feel afraid, lost, believe that you are not living up to your true potential or are unsure of your true purpose. You live your purpose in each moment and it includes all of your doubts and fears. Overcoming those is part of your purpose, as is having the courage to accept yourselves as who you are in each moment. The greatest gift you can give to yourself is to recognize your perfection so you can focus on the true purpose of your life path, which is to become a co-creator with spirit.

There is no purpose in seeking perfection, for it already exists. There is purpose in seeking truth, in shining your light and in being unafraid of criticism or of doubt. You are each a light of God, a beacon of the divine light of unconditional love and this is your perfection. Your purpose is to be who you are, to shine your light to the world and to honor yourselves and everyone else in their perfection. Then you can focus your energy on expanding from one aspect of perfection to another, moving through dimensions of time and energetic vibration as you align yourselves with the truth of your being and find joy in your perfection to create your heaven on earth.

Vegetarians and Vegans

When one of my family members decided, as a teenager, to become a vegetarian, she simply told her mother she would no longer eat meat. Her rationale was that she could not eat anything that had a face. So she took charge of her meals and refused to eat meat and still does that today. Her mother respected her choice and didn't force her to eat like the rest of the family although she didn't think she was serious. This is a choice that many Indigos and Crystals make and for some it is a very good choice because they are highly impacted by the energetic vibrations of the food they eat. Food is more than something they put in their mouth, it is an energetic element that they absorb in their own energetic field.

I can imagine what my mother would have said if I had decided to become a vegetarian as a teenager, it would not have been a fun discussion. But we are in different times and these are different generations of children. Many of them cannot eat meat and certainly not from animals who have been treated inhumanely, as many animals are today. Some simply cannot handle the dense energy of meat and others do not need it in their diets, although they need alternate protein sources. This is the first generation of children who need to consider a vegetarian or vegan diets as an alternative and who may even need to eat this way.

The Indigo/Crystal generations also tend to have food allergies and intolerances to a higher degree and this is another aspect of the multiple ways in which they connect with their food. Whatever they eat is more than a physical source of nourishment, it also feeds them energetically. So if a food is too acidic or contains too many chemicals or comes from a source that has been traumatized, they are experiencing all of those elements with every bite (we do too but often at a different level). Which is also why many of the younger children today prefer a limited diet - many foods do not taste or feel good to them. And we need to honor their choices.

That's not to say that we have to fix different meals for each of our children, but we do need to look at food as more than something we put into our mouths simply because we are hungry. Food has an energetic vibration, which adds to or subtracts from our own energetic resources. We have become much more aware of food in the past ten years, its benefits and its drawbacks, which is part of the more detailed focus on how we care for our physical body. And we can thank the Indigo/Crystal generation for this because they are the first generation of children to insist on choosing the food they eat and helping us have a whole body concept of the food we eat and become aware of the need to eat food that purposefully nourishes us on all levels instead of looking at the process of eating as just putting food in our mouth.

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