Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Power of the Ionic Field - July 28, 2011 - Judith Moore

JKM 7-27-11 Holographic Shield from Galactic Source
Judith channeled this at 9 pm MST

J: I'm sitting on the porch, actually drinking a little bit of wine before I went to bed, and I started receiving this message from Galactic Source through the Arcturians. The message is that our sun is reaching an apex of extreme solar radiation and there is a very high frequency of solar magnetism. The solar magnetism is intense and it actually drives the radon particles into mass and matter because the solar magnetism is -- well, it is actually affecting our molecules, and it is one reason why the chaos factor is pretty high right now, but the Galactic Source which is the Princeton University of the Galactic Federation has determined that it has been necessary, the Arcturians, with the Arcturian technology, to intervene in behalf of Earth, and they have created a force field. It is a holographic technology that filters and screens the extreme solar particles. It seems that this solar intensity is going to apex between summer solstice and fall equinox.

So we are pretty much in that place that we are moving into the apex, and they have determined that it would be dangerous for life on Earth because of the intensity of the radon, the solar radiation, and it could alter our DNA. So the Galactic Source with the Arcturians have created a shield. It is a holographic shield that they have projected from the Mother Ship with holographic projection. If you can imagine, it is like a curved lens that rotates with the planet, and it is in direct alignment with wherever the sun is at its intensity at any time on the planet as we rotate between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. because that is the solar intensity, and this shield is actually reducing the intensity of the solar magnetic particles, and shielding us from some of the radon or the radiation which could alter DNA and causing genetic -- something about burning genes, like radiation burns in the genes of the DNA. So it has been determined that this force field is vital for the protection of Earth's continued viability. It has been with the cooperation of both of us on Earth who are Arcturian emissaries, and they have contacted me because I can set the intention that I agree to preserving life on Earth, and I agree to their assistance, and others have been contacted besides myself, but it is urgent and it also is manageable. They have determined that there was a peak energy on this day out of time of solar intensity and the chaos factor was really accelerating, and they have implemented this force field. It is like a shield, like a holographic shield that filters the solar frequencies and allows enough in for our mutation and evolution but not enough to cause damage to the genetic structures, and it is going to have to remain in place until it starts to decline and we're not in as much danger.
So be it and so it is.

On the evening of 7-28-11 the following related message was received.

#yiv610833236 a{color:#069;} Message from the Great Wisdom Power of the Ionic Fields and Thought Forms
This transmission is channeled by Judith from the Great Wisdom . Please share with as many folks as you want to. Odd I usually do not channel this late in the evening. Hope you enjoy the transmission thank you Judith

Earth is moving through a very intense solar magnetic field. The Solar magnetism affects the intensity and the velocity of electromagnetic energy discharged from our thought forms. Our mind generates ions and of course negative ions are discharged every time we have what
we call a positive loving thought. The power of one positive thought is three times greater than the power of a negative thought because the negative ionic field is intensified. But the power of a negative thought has a greater velocity and is capable of generating vast amounts of positive ions which drain your energy and leave you feeling exhausted . Positive ions ( feel bad energy) discharge powerful magnetism which actually accelerates what is called negative thought fields. The Chaos factor on the planet is at an all time high,which will intensify as mercury goes retrograde. This means there is a higher chance of accidents, quarrels, intense emotions and depression.

We may feel like we are being pulled back into old behaviors and thought forms, this is just because of the velocity of the magnetic pull. The moment we allow ourselves to focus on negative thought forms they will accelerate and make situations appear hopeless and desperate, bigger than they already are. That is because the gap in the polar fields are repelling the magnetism of the balance of negative and positive ions. Basically giving over to negative thought forms will be tempting but it will definitely intensify the gap in polarities and negatively effect the harmonics of your field

The individuals who practice the power of positive thought will notice that their thoughts of positive outcome actually have a greater power. Once you get into the harmonics of positive energy negative ions intensify and you will feel a state of grace. Focus is vital , the focus on positive outcomes in challenging situation does not negate the reality of the challenge it simply provides the energy that is needed for the most benevolent outcome and the highest potential in any given situation.

What applies to you as an individual is intensified in the collective. Keep your heart opened and think healing thoughts as global and personal crises may intensify. You light bodies respond to the harmonics of ONE, so this is the absolute best way to thrive during this period of intense chaos.

This field will continue to intensify as the magnetism of the poles are in intense flux and this flux is massively accelerated by the Solar magnetism. The ascension workers have the capacity to trigger critical mass and positively effect the collective simply by focusing on the Heart Harmonics of Peace in every situation. You have already made the change that is necessary for the fifth dimension to be stabilized by your light, just remember that goodness is more powerful now than at any time in earth's history. It may seem that the negative is stronger but it is just has more velocity.

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